Gay woman
Small ones are cute and bite sized, big ones are squishy pillows. Regardless of size, they’re all soft and cute.
The infernal flame of Wonderland. Professional circus sideshow performer, fire witch, and collector of sharp things. Ask for my Instagram!
Gay woman
Small ones are cute and bite sized, big ones are squishy pillows. Regardless of size, they’re all soft and cute.
Does she know it’s (usually) voluntary?
It’s ADHD hell
I was able to get dismissed with a therapist’s note last time
Police already have those
What’s next? The guy who runs the corner gas station sells cigarettes at his store. Cigarettes are addictive and known to cause cancer. So this means the guy who owns the gas station should get murdered?
He’s not the one making them, the cigarette companies are
What about the CEOs of the gun companies? Should they get murdered because they put out a product that people use to kill others?
Those oppressors would just as easily turn around and kill you while profiting off it, why give them a pass?
just because they don’t like them.
Wow what a way to oversimplify the problem. Would you have been saying this in May 1945?
Question, can I change my sex at birth?
If really depends on why your eyesight is bad. I have a degenerative condition called keratoconus and was told that if I get LASIK I’m at risk of going blind, so I have to use glass sclerals. The benefit is that the scars on my eye have been smoothing out.
Half the population lacks the brain functions necessary to feel empathy. We call them conservatives in the US.
No, I’m not kidding
I’ll take that trade
Murderer? What murderer? The CEO tripped while carrying a gun and accidentally shot himself twice in the back 🤫
America is literally founded on racism. First white settlers came and gave smallpox to anyone who looked different than them. Then they imported dark skinned people and made them literal slaves. Then half the country waged a war against the other half over the right to keep them as slaves. There was even a period of time when Italians and Irish weren’t considered white as a means to discriminate.
There is a lot more context than just skin tone, and unfortunately white supremacy was never curb stomped out
Lots of places, anywhere you can really
Getting denaturalized, losing access to my hormones (I can’t produce either naturally), losing my partner, and ending up in a camp
But you know, cheaper eggs… Maybe…
I’ve been in industry for a decade, big tech for over 6 years. And I STILL fucking hate Python. I can write in it, but everything about it just feels wrong
It’s easy to say that when you aren’t about to lose medication you rely on, when you aren’t wondering if you’re going to be denaturalized and thrown in a camp, when you aren’t left wondering if you are going to lose people you love and the community you’ve built around you, when you don’t live in fear of losing your job and in turn your health insurance.
Why such a huge percentage of the USA seems to lack any form of empathy. It’s like half the population is missing crucial brain functions.
Because peace doesn’t generate money for the 1%
NYC. Everyone talks about it with a wink and a smile, from coworkers to friends to random people. The only people who are opposed to it are my company’s rich directors.