Flat earthers on the rise. I can only trust what i see with my eyes, the earth is flat!
How will this affect the courts? How can evidence be trusted?
Flat earthers on the rise. I can only trust what i see with my eyes, the earth is flat!
How will this affect the courts? How can evidence be trusted?
Couple of decades ago bought a box of new ps2/1 games that had fallen off a truck… got around 300 games for 100$
Yeah, thay is a reasonable explanation but it doesn’t add up with the videos. The hole was significantly smaller than the size of the plane and no damage where wings would be. The hard drive with the videos is sitting in my storage, haven’t tried booting. It up in over a decade. What would I even do with these videos, as the other person said I’m a nobody
You are correct. Just going off the live video from the day. There is no plane or wings in the videos, the explanation of the wings vaporizing doesn’t really match the video.
You’re right, I’m a nobody. I’m going off the videos from that day that I saved, which are no longer available. The full cctv coverage from the gas station, the news crew on the ground that was filming when the fire truck showed up(the burned one on the grass). Video shows the fire truck driving up and no fire anywhere, no wings or damage next the small hole. Video also of the portion of the wall collapsing, and when the fire starts. Haven’t been able to find these videos anywhere since 9/12/01. I only believe this since i saved them as it was happening that day. I showed the videos to people over the years and compared them to the documentaries, videos all are edited or after these. Everyone that has seen them is, WTF that isn’t a plane
I watched live TV coverage (online) of the pentagon prior to the fire department showing up. There was a 10-15ft hole and NO wings, NO fire, a small hole only. Somewhere on an old drive I have all the videos available online that day. Have showed those to many people over the years, they all said WTF!!
Watching these videos it was clear there was no plane that hit the pentagon
Jeep wrangler. Please don’t associate me with the jeep bros and hoes. It is bare bones, I live in the country and need 4wd. 90% of the miles on it are on dirt/mud/snow
2021 manual transmission/windows/locks, no alarm, no navigation. Lots of buttons and only the radio screen. Love the simplicity of it
These two phrases primarily “works as designed/expected” and “works on my machine”
I was running a 20hp takisawa drilling a 3in hole 18in deep in SS. The tool clogged with chips jamming the spindle. The machine jumped up and slammed down next to me. Scared the crap out of me. Same machine watched a dude put some long material in, seconds later a 3ft peice of solid aluminum bar is through the roof. Fun yet very dangerous machines
So one wrong necessitates your vigilante wrong to prove they are wrong. That is all your ego. Everything you have said to justify your position shows you’re the asshole. They maybe incorrect in what they are doing. You are going out of your way to be an asshole. If they don’t know what they are doing is wrong, then how would they know the intent of your actions? They might think your drunk or a road rage nutter about to shoot them. Not the smartest tactic to boost your ego
Also depends on the location, where I live it isn’t illegal to stay in the middle lane.
Speeding up to pass, then slowing down is being an inconsistent driver. Inconsistent drivers that are changing speeds and lanes, are more of a danger than someone maintaining speed in a single lane. Given that you are passing them then slowing down to get behind them, there is the possibility that you are also in violation of the law. So claim you are teaching them while also possible violating the law is silly. The main issue is you are going out of your way to cause a situation and increase danger. Someone maintaining speed in a single lane is way less dangerous than what you are doing. You feel justified because it annoys you. Most likely you also violate the law when driving, like we all do at times. So this is just vigilante justice to boost your ego. It is not safe compared to someone sitting in the middle lane.
You are going out of your way to mess around with someone at speed in a public motorway. Is it your responsibility to teach every driver? No. Your actions are adding higher risk as you are changing lanes, speeding up, slowing down around a vehicle that is staying in their lane. The justification you are using is you are better than them, while you’re are creating more risk than they are. So you might be annoyed at someone in the middle of 3 lanes of travel, an adult would not increase risk for the sole benefit of their ego.
You’re the asshole
Just like how a democracy can work. It all comes down to the people in charge of any system.
I use the green pacvac at home. It is awesome!! Not bad price and has out lasted every vacuum except the old hoover. Yes, it uses bags but it can really pack them full
It’s less hoops than gun nuts jump through. Being prepared for an emergency vs being prepared to kill are vastly different. The problem is gun nuts won’t acknowledge their raging boners at the thought of using a gun in the slightest perception of an inconvenience. The John Wayne mentality is a detriment to society
If you practice shooting then you are just practicing to kill. So the folks that own the 400 million guns in the US are just practicing for the intended purpose. Which then you can extrapolate out they are just waiting to kill. Which falls in line with every gun owner I have known. Either practicing to kill animals or people.
I’m heading down to the hammer range to practice hitting nails. Listening to gun nuts talk about the use case for guns is ridiculous. It is actually nice to see a few people in this thread acknowledging what a guns primary purpose is.
You sound angry and entitled.