Ayy Moonreader+, I use that one too. So responsive.
Ayy Moonreader+, I use that one too. So responsive.
For downloading, I use Readarr or manually download from where I buy the books. A lot of the time the books I buy have DRM so I end up pirating them anyway 🤷. When readarr sends a book to calibre, it tells it to convert it so I’ve always got epub and mobi available.
For accessing my library, I use calibre-server, which I think comes bundled with the calibre desktop app. It’s got a basic web interface for uploading, editing some metadata, and downloading; and an OPDS API which my e-reader can use to download books. If I’m outside my home network I use my VPN to access it because I don’t trust calibre to be secure enough for internet exposure lol.
Don’t recall why I chose this instead of calibre-web but it works fine for my purposes. I don’t read comics though.
The support person even said they don’t see any queries in the logs, you’d think that would be a clue to send the logs including queries.
(never played an AC game before) The lesson I took from the tutorial boss is that you should use the right weapon for the job, i.e. the build matters a lot. I wasn’t getting anywhere with anything but the sword.
Common sense would surely say that becoming a for-profit company or whatever they did would mean they’ve breached that law. I assume they figured out a way around it or I’ve misunderstood something though.
There are roleplay servers for modded RDR2 online (RedM) where you can actually do this. I just started playing on one with some mates and it’s a player driven economy, so if people need wood they either have to chop it themselves or someone has to do it for them. I haven’t tried it personally but you start with an axe and there seem to be areas where you can chop wood. I just like wandering about picking flowers and saying yeehaw to people.
tealdeer takes up 3.7MB on my system. It’s a rust implementation of tldr
- simplified man pages with practical examples. If I want to do some common thing with a program I don’t use very often, chances are I can type (e.g.) tldr kill
and it’ll tell me what I need to know.
Super excited about this as the game runs like shit on my laptop and there’s a long running issue of fortresses becoming unplayable at high populations. Anyone tried it out?
Nearly done with Book of the Short Sun! Just started the last book in it. I really like the two-timeline structure of it, though I may be one of the minority who prefers Long Sun. It’s more…idk, cosy. I like the religious themes.
I want to mention something else but not sure how to do spoilers here
Man I’m sad we don’t have an /r/roguelikes here. Discussion of the genre has been clobbered by the much more popular roguelites and it was nice to have a forum focused on traditional roguelikes. There’s a discord but it’s not the same.
Some lesser known ones that I think are quite cool:
Shadow of the Wyrm, open world fantasy with a nice vibe.
Dawn of the Mexica, quite brutal lethal combat with an uncommon setting.
Forays into Norrendrin, traditional dungeon crawler setting with distilled gameplay systems. Brogue-adjacent.
The Ground Gives Way, also a traditional dungeon crawler but with a really interesting fatigue-based equipment system and non lethal combat options. Cool item effects and stuff.
Lost Flame, if dark souls was a roguelike. Quite involved combat where attacks are telegraphed and you can dodge them, use abilities for movement etc. Great atmosphere.
From what I understand, iPhones will downclock themselves when the battery degrades to make a charge last longer and prevent crashes. So your slow phones might have been fixable with a new battery.
Yeah I love hardcover, I only wish it were a little easier to create & see the private notes I’ve written for a book. They’re tucked away in the review page at the moment. Apart from that it’s great, does everything I need with a nice interface.