Only if you have them. Ukraine has been developing many arms manufacturing companies, from very small to multinational building factories. They need it all to stay at par with Russia.
Only if you have them. Ukraine has been developing many arms manufacturing companies, from very small to multinational building factories. They need it all to stay at par with Russia.
Indeed! Find yourself. Only then can you really connect with others authentically.
Disagree. It’s a tool that in it’s current form changes our way of processing and way of perceiving. It literally changes the way your brain seeks pleasure as well as intakes facts. One that individuals have to have a the money, knowledge, and social/legal/cultural power to take control of otherwise it will modify your decision making in such a way that you don’t feel, see, or believe there is a change. It’s so ubiquitous, pervasive, and disruptive, that contact and at least minimal acceptance is required to function in the global society.
The isolation, cognitive disrupted, physiological change that the internet has wrought through the smartphone, social media, and the apps is huge and yet not well discussed in anything but academic studies and other rarified forums.
Fair point, well played.
Just because history is idealized doesn’t mean it was actually better. Hans Rosling said it really well describing his standard of living improvement.
With that said, the world has not adapted to technology in it’s current incarnation yet, along side the other challenges it’s a tough world for all but the very wealthy and even they are showing signs of increased anxiety, stress, and depression.
Being ruled by our evolved cognitive biases through our technology, requires external regulation before the vast majority of the humanity can cope with the change.
I’m over this technological improvement of our lives, and it’s manipulate existence. My hope is that we and I can put our fucking phones down and actually connect with each other again. We aren’t getting out of this economic takeover unless we actually talk to each other like the adults we are supposed to be. Be passionate, but listen. Act with compassion, but defy the fascist ideals. Realize that we are biased and make mistakes, but can learn from those mistakes… Even when as you get older.
I’d be curious if that’s a confirmed kill or just knocked out of action. Looks like a solid hit, but I’m not sure if it nailed anything crucial. Makes me wonder about the switchblade 600 , as that did not look like the Javelin like explosion which I would expect from an anti-armor warhead, but maybe I was just expecting a secondary. I looked at some previous Javelin hit, and they were mixed in the armors explosions.
Good fill-in on that. i think I’d add some context to each which is worth discussing.
Political instability and weak governance are present.
There are deep ethnic, religious, or sectarian tensions.
The economy is declining with high inequality.
Persistent social unrest and widespread protests occur.
External powers are interfering or supporting different factions.
There is significant resource scarcity and competition.
Militarization and proliferation of arms increase.
Systematic human rights violations and repression take place.
Society experiences strong ideological polarization.
Demographic pressures such as rapid population growth or urbanization exist.
The rule of law and justice systems are breaking down.
Historical grievances and unresolved conflicts resurface.
So I talked to a PhD who’s work covered civil wars across the world, and asked about this. Turns out there are several signs you need to see which makes a civil war more likely. Most of which we haven’t even gotten close to, because many of them are economic related and right now the US is still the single largest economy in the world where peoples standard of living is still very comfortable.
I asked ChatGPT to describe this and these are the highlights, in order of historical priority?
Note that the US does have some of these, but not to the evident level that you saw in Rwanda, Sudan, Yugoslavia, Syria, Burundi, Eritrea, Somalia, Libya, Myanmar, Haiti, and others. In short, if you look at the indicators, although the US is indeed troubled, it’s not troubled enough for people to hot the streets with more than riotous intent.
In Ukrainian.
We need a video of this, it’s very meme-able.
Valid historical point, but I am skeptical that Russia of today and and Japan of 1940’s is a close analogy.
Infrastructure, stockpiling, allies, and manufacturing capacity difference mean Russia has a long while yet before we see a total breakdown of air control over the home territory. I won’t say they have air superiority as they seem to be inept at letting some drones through, but it goes to the very different context that Japan had with the US vs Ukraine and it’s limited war vs Russia.
Also the CovertCabal makes clear points backing up the description of not knowing how many rocket artillery are in the field, while acknowledging the various MacGyvered solution they can potentially use.
This whole DPRK troop movement could change many things. Ukraine has done incredible well, but it’s still incredibly over matched if you consider population, economy, resources, and stockpiles. The only balancing factor has been the US & Europe in money and hardware, which has been limited and scaled to the situation which has dragged this out. But war fatigue is setting in and budgets are becoming challenged with election changes. Ukraine may now be able to move militarily with less help, but it still has a huge budget deficit and can barely replace vehicle losses let alone get ahead. Don’t forget about 10 million people fled, so they have a population of about 30 million to Russia, 140ish million. Russia is an order of magnitude larger in GDP. Lots of factors at play, way beyond the morale kills we see and the daily numbers, as heartwarming as they are.
The fat lady has not even stood up to the mic.
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