Can we meet this Oscar? He sounds like quite the character.
You can’t Mom, he is too Wilde.
Can we meet this Oscar? He sounds like quite the character.
You can’t Mom, he is too Wilde.
I hope Santa left exactly what you wanted in the sokoban branch.
Him: “Which animals can I fuck?”
You: “This reminds me of canadian contract law. Also I can use this as an opportunity for language prescriptivism.”
Firearms will get a shot after that.
Tanks are on track.
If this was true…Nd I wouldn’t be surprised that he would sya such a thing as…
It wasn’t true.
“This isn’t true but it may as well be, because it feels true to me” is always such a disappointing thing to see commented under misinformation.
When the cats start to glow or change colors.
Dang, we must have had so many Superbowls.
John Green had a quote about this that he was saying even before his brother had cancer.
“Don’t just do something, stand there.”
Whenever you don’t have enough resources for something you just open the pause menu and threaten to quit the game.
Shouldn’t that X axis really be “percentage” instead of “number” for this to make any sense at all?
That kid drawing of buzz light-year and under it in kid handwriting it says “I cum in pies”.
-VVVVVV --“several hundred case switch statement”
They used so much knockout gas back then.
Weirdly accusatory thing to say as an answer to a post explicitly asking which actions they should take to back up their words.