If only someone would’ve thought to that and tried it before. It could’ve saved everyone so much time.
If only someone would’ve thought to that and tried it before. It could’ve saved everyone so much time.
I’m not sure I get what you’re saying tbh. I’ve probably read it wrong but it almost seems like you’re saying the way out of capitalism is to capitalism harder.
Exactly, the idea that you go up a floor because there’s a roof over your head is very silly.
Thats exactly what I mean. My aim is to point out the ridiculousness of them trying to moralise it, by making the people who ease off a little bit to put to washing on out to be lazy and undeserving of their wages etc.
That wrath for people not working or “slacking off” slightly while getting paid is only reserved for poor people.
You think that’s bad, wait until you hear about the shareholders and landlords.
They dont even have to pretend to work to get paid.
OK but what about going onto the ground?
Like, in your garden, is that the first floor of the planet?
When you get off an airplane, do you say
“Its great to be back on solid first floor of the earth.”
I’m sure I’m thinking of a flack jacket with an extra plate of kevlar or metal ( a bullet proof vest).
Tbf, those things have always been for stopping shrapnel and keeping your insides on the inside, if you do get shot.
They were never made to stop assault rifle rounds, even from the kind of distances intended for assault rifles.
Positively famished, myself
Its so mad that we have such a literal example of exactly what happens, due to prohibition, yet society refuses to see like for like. The mafia simply used the exact same routes to smuggle heroin. They didn’t disappear or die out, due to alcohol prohibition ending. They got into bed with the CIA, under operation gladio. What they did with crack wasn’t the first or the biggest example.
Like you said, you can’t people abusing substances. They remain illegal because somewhere some very powerful people are making too much money from them remaining so.
I want to live in a world where “stop cutting bits of babies dicks off” doesn’t require any further explanation.
“No, actually, its you who needs to justify cutting bits of babies dicks off. Not the other way round. Unless its hair, nails or connected to the mum, the default position is actually not to cut bits of the baby off.”
Employers paying the least they can get away with?
Well, thats just good business.
Employees working the least they can get away with, I response to this?
Those lazy good for nothing…
I seem to remember that the common concensus is that it would be easier to create a whole universe than the individual simulation model.
Crypto bros who follow ultra distorted stoicism (the only good philosophy is the ones made when slavery was normalised) that believe everyone else is unaware of what very basic knowledge they world they just learned that day.
Well yeah, the real power (capital) is making even more money from their work. Of course they’ll pay them for being better at it. Its cheaper to pay CEOs more to be horrible than it is to pay people more.
Capital is the problem and shareholders are delighted when anyone takes out their anger on CEOs. I mean, its part of what they pay them for.
Still not the weirdest sherman tbf
Classic trek.
The saddest part is that I really thought we had the potential to become the federation. It turns out, we were always just the farengi.
As intended, from the looks of the strikes.