doesn’t seem to have stopped them from locking functionality that does not require an internet conneciton behind an internet connection, so i don’t see why they would care.
doesn’t seem to have stopped them from locking functionality that does not require an internet conneciton behind an internet connection, so i don’t see why they would care.
i haven’t used an IDE in years but when I did I switched to notepads because every IDE i used was bloated and slow. is this not still the case? frankly VS Code is rapidly approaching the point where it’s just as bloated and slow as I remember those IDEs being so i’m not exactly trying to come to its defense here.
which is great until you realize that if it cant connect to a server somewhere to download the latest Ad manifest it crashes the OvenOS and now your warranty is void AND you can’t bake a cake.
So people on the internet can get mad that you didn’t vote how they wanted instead of getting mad at you for not voting.
You don’t really need to visualize yourself on the rim, either. Just turn left in any context and you will trace the path of an anticlockwise circle. It’s really more about establishing why there’s a link between left and anticlockwise. Picture and remember whatever works best for you, I’m just annoyed by the people stubbornly insisting the link between them doesn’t make perfect sense.
You have to have a convention about Up to usefully describe a rotational direction at all. I don’t see how that’s relevant. Left implies an Up.
i know you can make the wheel work the opposite way, jesus christ. the circle motion the path of the car makes when you turn left is the same as when you turn the wheel to the conventional left. imagine, instead you steered “left” by a joystick. the car would still draw the same circular path the same fucking way, because turning left makes an anticlockwise circle, every time, in every situation.
No im trying to illustrate the parallels between how you turn the wheel, how the car turns in response to that , and how they are all related. You turn left you will make the exact same rotational movement, with both the vehicle, and the steering wheel.
It’s as simple as, “What direction do you turn the wheel to make the car go left?” I just stacked on top “and also it makes the car itself do that same exact circular movement” so you don’t just dismiss this as some kind of arbitrary convention.
how’s your day goin, man?
At least until the next bend in the road where the sign indicating a left turn ahead is more than you can handle.
If I ask you to turn the car left and you give me this speech I would eject from the car.
If a steering wheel has you this perplexed then I beg you to never ever drive a vehicle.
Imagine it as if it were a track you were driving around, which way would you turn the wheel?
No I’m pretty sure they did. Sarcastically dismissing this extremely fucked up behavior as politically motivated sniping is really fucking stupid.
Unless you’re expecting a third game in a series.
Specific aspects of gender roles are what toxic masculinity criticizes, you’re trying to substitute a general term for a more specific one. Toxic masculinity specifically refers to the ones that are toxic, not the fact that men have gender roles at all. It’s, like you said, right there in the name.
My dude, scenes from a Barbie movie are not representative of an entire political movement and I really don’t think your interpretation of those scenes makes for any kind of proof of your claims.
Do you have anything demonstrating the feminist movement supports this shit:
The Duluth Model of determining domestic violence another example. Child support is another. The banning of paternity testing is yet another
Or are you just labeling these things as feminist because you do that with everything you perceive as misandrist?
You’re making a lot of claims about things I don’t think you really have a grasp on. “Toxic masculinity” is not an implication that all men are inherently toxic. It’s a criticism of societal expectations for men that harm them and their relationships.
You’re saying that feminism has seriously hindered acceptance of male masturbation but all you’ve provided here is vague unsubstantiated implications of media bias and a single author’s name. I’m not going to read the entire collected works of whoever Dworkin is to figure out why you think they’re both representative of the entire feminist movement and also hate men wanking it. Give me something tangible here. A quote, a law they supported, a speech, a video, literally anything at all that isn’t just some insinuation that’s only attributable to yourself
I would consider myself a male feminist and I masturbate daily so if the movement thinks that’s wrong I’d like to know so I can stop describing myself as feminist.
You’ve been clear about what you think dude, we want to know why you think it.
because the media is constantly harping on how this guy was a husband with kids as if that makes his death inexcusable. if even his family was sick of his shit it kinda puts that narrative to bed.