If the fans are running at full blast, maybe you accidentally disconnected a temperature sensor?
If the fans are running at full blast, maybe you accidentally disconnected a temperature sensor?
How many PSUs are installed in the Poweredge server? In the manual it says it could be 1 or 2 and the power per PSU could be 1100W so if it is 2 * 1100W then that could explain why the UPS has problems with it.
NetworkManager’s Gnome GUI works with wireguard config files. If you are using Plasma you would need to install some alpha software to do that in the gui but you can always fall back to nmcli which also supports wireguard configs via the import command.
Can we set up dial-up servers for this occasion, like during the arab spring protests? Assuming there are still classical modems in Belarus.
It is low tech, but it is quite hard to block without blocking all telephone connections as well.
I think you can even draw a defining distinction there because if it is not believed then pseudohalucination would be the better description.
Most likely launcher would be Gripen. So this kinda depends on Sweden more than on Germany. Though the signals i saw coming from Sweden are that they would be willing to give Ukraine what they need, including fighter jets, provided that NATO takes up the slack in air defence in Sweden.
At least that stuff is stable while in a tank. Imagine sitting next to tons of rocket grade hydrogen peroxide, slowly decomposing, just waiting for an excuse to go boom.
basically since around the 1960s bombers dont need to “drop” bombs anymore. They only designate the target and the FCS drops the bombs.
That is probably inspired by EN IEC 81346-2 where “X” indicates a connector of some kind and the numbers following the X identify the connector and the relative position on the connector (for connectors with multiple contacts).
those missiles are almost certainly intended for ground launch.