Same deal, but FFXIV for me, DawnTrail is kookin’ juicy.
Same deal, but FFXIV for me, DawnTrail is kookin’ juicy.
I finally got an ultimate clear in Final Fantasy 14, after seeing the end of two separate fights right before the groups I was running them with went on break. For reference, Ultimates are the big end game raids that take upwards of 30+ hours of practice at the low end to get through
For me it’s Answers from FFXIV
Such a heartfelt moment that I tear up as soon as I hear the melody
Working through Perdido Street Station on my new Kobo. I understand the critiques on pacing, and spending too much time on world building as now, 400 pages in, races, sections of the city, creatures, and cultures are still being introduced. But it has been an enjoyable ride so far, especially with one of the main PoVs being one of my favorite tropes of just “scientist doing science”
I haven’t used it yet, but I hear Libby with a local library card does well. You’re still not owning the books, but they’re free
Cis and straight are… Entirely different axes, though. How would you describe someone who is cis and gay, or trans and straight while applying “straight” to both sexual orientation and gender identity?