Longitude, not Latitude.
Longitude, not Latitude.
That would be a privacy nightmare.
I recently introduced my wife to Quantum Leap. She liked Al’s outfits, and I said that I’d love to have some to wear. She eagerly said she’d get me some. A week later she said she was sorry that all the clothes for men are bland. Oh well.
When closed captioning for TVs was being rolled out by government mandate in the US, there was widespread anger over having the cost of a TV increase by $0.25 for everyone for a feature that would only help a few. I was sickened by the callousness.
I have to wear orthotics in my shoes. I can’t wear them without shoes. One day without shoes had led to months of pain.
As an atheist, I don’t like religious xmas music. But I love these songs based on the Cthulhu Mythos. The HP Lovecraft Historical Society did a fantastic job on them! I have 2 CDs of xmas holiday music from them (much more than this playlist has), and an adaptation of The Fidder on the Roof called A Shoggoth on the Roof.
Raid 5 is parity, not parody 😀. Each drive contains part of the information of the other drives, so that if any one of the drives dies, you can still get all the information (it will just be slower until you replace it and the system rebuilds the data on the new drive).
Innerspace was such a fun movie.
To be fair, when she first appeared on screen, I thought she looked like the Sydney Opera House. I don’t know why the costume department wanted everyone to associate the two, and thus start hating on Sydney, but there we go.
I want a runabout!
I’m definitely a Tendi. Science FTW!
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This episode was great! It started a whole series of episodes telling the story of the parasites.
What? They showed this, then totally forgot they had this fantastic hook for lots more episodes? Boo.
I love the koala that appears as a gas cloud in the opening 15 seconds where the Cerritos flies the Federation Delta shape.
Jeffrey Coombs also played Schran in various ENT episodes.
I agree. Doku is incredibly easy and extensible. And it doesn’t need a database.
You really need to index your tables. This has all the hallways of a Cartesian cross product.
That’s “The Dog.”
Yeah, being a former science teacher, correcting it was a knee-jerk reaction. :-)