Still a very green banana.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • do logistics and it takes me sixteen hours to get to work and sixteen hours back to home with lots of driving while at work

    only way out is for the United States to become an actual United States that have the same living wages and worker rights in all states, caps on housing and food costs in all states, require same environmental protections across all states, up education standards across all the states to the same levels, upping the funding amount on public transportation inside and out of states

    car dependency is centered around where you live as travel is intentionally hobbled by high costs and other barriers because people that are stuck where they are at and dependent are unable to travel to see or share to other people and ways of life thus keeping the old ways going and the populace contained

  • after threatening them with their livelihoods and retirement yes, he gave them a small amount of what they were demanding

    not a victory and he is not a champion of worker’s rights

    Presidential Emergency Board

    In July 2022, a Presidential Emergency Board was convened under the Railway Labor Act by President Joe Biden.[11] His Executive order stated, “I have been notified by the National Mediation Board that in its judgment these disputes threaten substantially to interrupt interstate commerce to a degree that would deprive a section of the country of essential transportation service.”[12]

    The board issued a report on August 16, starting a 30-day cooling off period that prevents any strikes or lockouts.[6] Reuters reported that the board proposed “annual wage increases of between 4% and 7% through 2024” in addition to retroactive pay increases, one extra paid day off and five $1,000 annual bonuses.[13]

    By the end of August, three unions representing about 15,000 workers agreed to the recommendations made by the board.[14][15]

    On September 14, near the end of the cooling off period, Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh hosted negotiations at the Department of Labor between the railroad companies, and unions in an attempt to prevent a strike.[16] The Washington Post reported that Biden was “personally involved in the talks”, wanting workers to have more flexibility in scheduling.[2]

    Early on September 15, Biden announced a deal had been reached to prevent a strike, including an immediate 14% wage increase, but only one day of paid leave per year rather than the 15 days of paid sick leave unions wanted.[2][17] The deal still needed to be ratified by rank-and-file members of the unions, however no strike could take place for several weeks regardless of the outcomes of ratification votes.[2]

    Congressional intervention

    In September 2022, U.S. Senators Richard Burr and Roger Wicker introduced a bill that would have required labor unions to agree to the terms proposed by the Presidential Emergency Board, to prevent a strike.[18] It was blocked by Senator Bernie Sanders, who noted that freight rail workers receive a “grand total of zero sick days” while railroad companies made significant profits.[19] In the House of Representatives, Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, “We’d rather see negotiations prevail so there’s no need for any actions from Congress.”[16]

    In late November, after some unions had rejected the agreement, Biden asked Congress to pass the agreement into law. On November 30, the House of Representatives passed the existing tentative agreement along with an amended version that would require railroad employers to ensure 7 days paid sick leave.[20] On December 1, the Senate passed the tentative agreement with only 1 day of sick leave.[21] President Joe Biden signed the legislation into law on December 2.[4] The Biden administration’s intervention in the dispute was condemned by over 500 labor historians in an open letter to Joe Biden and Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh.[22]

  • mean there is nothing protecting your right to your state issued ID to have and consume cannabis products

    have something all day long but whether your right to do is protected is altogether a different story

    we are now dealing with this with the drug mifepristone

    a state may allow you to have it but is the right to carry that medication protected if you go elsewhere in the “United States” or just elsewhere in the state you are in

    some cities are now half medical and/or recreational and the other half illegal and/or medicinal

    just like with cannabis that now has become a questionable scenario and a very fractured and confusing place to navigate legally

  • work in the industry and have for years and with legal experts on this matter in different states and am not the first generation in the family to do so and no this does not make me an expert but an observer throughout the years

    most mom and pop dispensaries are usually funded by corporate cannabis funds either by loans or investments and more times than not eventually bought out

    yes you may have bought products from a legal dispensary but if you get pulled by the wrong cop and there are more of them than good ones you could face five years or more for simple possession or just get a slap on the wrist even in legal states

    all depends on the cops and the judges and what they say the story is, there are no lab tests done for most court cases, and terry stops are on the rise were reasonable suspicion is not needed to pull over and toss the contents of the vehicles

    not just the federal illegality of it but the states not coming together on laws both with cannabis and other laws that touch the laws making cannabis illegal such as Roe v. Wade falling

    Biden promising then flip flopping on cannabis and then him and his party not properly defending women’s rights have opened a huge rift allowing for more extortion of the US citizens and not much legal ground is left to defend one’s self

  • the US is not legal in any sense in any state just ask Flip Flop Joe

    here we prop up corporate cannabis and continue to erode consumer protections like everything else we do

    we say one thing in public to other countries but behind closed doors the US has degraded to militarized police control where when one is arrested the cops control the narrative along with the judges not common law

    cannabis is legal for the corporations to trade and profit off of and there are no protections for consumers just empty promises