In case you get stuck again and need more games:
- DevilutionX (free, open source, needs gamedata) lets you play Diablo1 on Android, very good time killer (you might need to fetch the gamedata somewhere)
- Out There: Omega (paid but one time purchase) is a relaxed starship roguelite
- Battle For Wesnoth (free, open source) fantasy style tactical game
- Jagged Alliance 2 Stracciatella (free, open source, needs gamedata) - Jagged Alliance 2 on Android, tactical RPG, great timekiller like classic UFO or the old Fallout games.
Notable mentions: WorldOfGoo, Human Resource Machine
APU board? They are going EOL soon, but these devices are built like a tank. Full Linux x86_64 support, coreboot bios. https://www.pcengines.ch/apu.htm A few sellers in the EU still have them.