…and yet another page of an half-informed doomer that denies renewable energy sources without giving proof of any theories of the “only fossil energy is real energy!” kind, spewing half-assed stuff of doomsdays like hundreds before, while none came true and obvioisly - by the read of the comments - draws attention to the climate- change deniers.
Wow. Eleitl, thats shit.
What is sad about stuff like that is that it draws attention away from shit that is gonna kill us (fossil fuel induced climate change, banking crisis due to money printing of the fed, a bought system run to keep us sheep from revolting against the very people getting rich while destroying us and our lives).
Even though some stuff you link is ok, the shit-part is so bad, i’d rather go without your “channel”.
So long, doomster.
So, plus 10% would mean what? There is a 10% net-migration of the countries population towards the US… per what? Month? Decade? Minute? I wished more graphs where self-explanatory . This one isnt.
If someone has the answer to what this is actually supposed to mean, would be cool if it got posted.