I’m all for removing all current welfare payouts and simply handing people equivalent cash instead
If you do that, you’re gonna make people even poorer than they are, making everything more expensive for everybody. Have you ever wondered why health is hell of a lot cheaper in Europe than in places like the USA? It’s precisely because we have welfare payouts to let the government take care of the price and regulate abuse by pressurizing the different industries, while in the USA, you have basically nothing, so it’s the customer vs the entire industry and guess who wins? Not the people. So you have to pay your meds or consultations 10 times the price you would in Europe. Money you give to the state through welfare is money you give to yourself…
F-Droid isn’t the only one: I also like Neo Store, which has more than just the F-Droid repository and I think has a better interface. However, I think not all repo are 100% safe because F-Droid verify all the apps they have while Neo-Store doesn’t because it simply list known repos, which you can activate however you like in the settings.