Example; VORON project. 3DPrinters engineered and designed by the project team, contributed to by the community, they don’t sell a product, they share all the plans, BOM and instructions how to make your own 3D printers and even offer a ‘bootstrap’ scheme called ‘print it forward’ where you can pay costs only for parts that have to be printed for the build. VORON
I was always behind the curve of whatever the core game was on wow, so I was always trying to catch up to the guys who introduced me to it, never really had the time to do endgame stuff with them, because of having two little kids. By the time WOTLK dropped, I was PUGing a DK all the time because I was nowhere near the endgame where my buddies were. After that I became incredibly casual. Just questing the storyline of wherever I was. Dropped it and came back in classic. When Cata dropped on classic, with no era to play on with, and again, I was no where near cap the whole second time around I unsubbed. I have just rolled a PS and intend to casually bum around until my server falls over and I’ve maxxed out every char and class I want to.