The devil is red but the silicone skin is still a little translucent. I’m sure that big book he talks about selling probably has some more details.
The devil is red but the silicone skin is still a little translucent. I’m sure that big book he talks about selling probably has some more details.
Some NDP? Yeah Noise Dampening Paper is the way to go.
I see you took our microwave. Look its fine, just bring it back first thing tomorrow morning. Good night!
Could be green. I’ll ask Pete when he comes out of hiding from under the bed. I assume Prez Trump will be pardoning Pete. When he does pardon Pete, he’s going to everyone’s darling. I can’t talk for all Americans, but definitely, all #1’s will love Trump personally. With enough love, anything is possible. I mean lube. 1 in, 1 out, 1 in again, that little hook at the top of the 1 really does beg for lube…anyway what was the question? I hope I answered correctly.
The first back pack is white. The second one is very dark white almost black. The first jacket has white buttons, the second jacket has dark white buttons almost black. The first jacket has buttons, the second one looks like a special kind of button where the buttons on one side intermesh with the buttons on the otherwise in a zigzag pattern… I bet those have a name like zigzaper or zigper, who knows.
You know the feeling when you work your ass off every day and you barely make any money out of that but then some asshole in a hat makes millions a day and denies your dad’s insurance so then your dad dies in a hospice care that was so dirty he got mersa after having successful heart surgery? You know that feeling? I do. I’d wear the tip of his dick in resin to a healthcare meeting if I had the chance. And I’d drive the car I downloaded.
No! But we could slice the CEO into small pieces… Accidentally… And accidentally drop the pieces in resin and sell them on eBay? Then when you go in for a healthcare review, you come in wearing the pendant… “Oh this? Its the tip of his penis! I paid $300 for it, it was cheap!”
This morning I was driving to work and I saw off in the distance something moving behind an F250 truck. As I got closer and got to see the back, I realized it was the owner of the truck offloading tools at the worksite. He was on the shorter side, true, but a fully grown man completely hidden by the box of the truck.
What? 10 years old? you think that’s a new kid? Nah that kid is almost a new teenager.
Also for this:
Its Nevada. Nevada has signs for drivers to watch out for deer, cattle, donkeys, horses, pigs, slow trucks, rams and I’m probably missing a few others. Not signs about kids. They probably put those near schools only where parents actually drop off the kids at the front entrance.
Oh you mean the new kid regulations requiring stilts and helmets to bring your kids outside? We probably also need new construction regulations to required bollards along the side of the property facing the street so as to prevent damage to trucks if the house happens to get too close.
Donnie Wahlberg was a New kid on the block??? Wow. I had no idea!
I’m used to the normal transition between toddler pupae to child-like human. That’s when I though children were brand spanking new.
Lol we were walking to the car when I saw him walking next to another monster and realizing what a bad idea was to be walking there. But there is no actual walkway at parking lots. Anyway, I’m a bad parent. Its a litany of bad parenting. But we don’t let him watch YouTube now. YouTube is not for kids.
Imagine trying to work on that thing. You need a step ladder to open the hood.
Here’s another such killer truck just steps from the previous one in the same parking area.
You can fit a shit ton of those in a small parking space.
Smaller two wheeled cars is the answer! Maybe the wheels are really thin and connected to the bearings via some kind of hub and cables?
It took me a while to learn that:
Reverse proxy= your page lives in your basement but only your DNS knows. From outside everyone goes to “my page is”
VPN= LAN but in WAN…go to Starfucks and you can still get your files from your basement’s NAS
I’m sure they got other meanings, but this frame helped me a bit. Hide your IP!
Used for the photo. Also, he’s not brand new. The new ones cry a lot.