• 10 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • It could also be conditioning and culture. A lot of American culture seems to be centered on the ego, the satisfaction of the ego and then a very fast escalation to anger and violence if the ego is perceived to be threatened.

    I don’t think it is realistic to wish it go away with the generation exposed to lead paint. And I doubt it is productive to make microplastics the new excuse.

    Edit: As I saved, it came to mind how difficult it must be hearing all your life that you live in the greatest country ever, having national flags and the anthem and pledges of allegiance drilled into your being from a child. And then life is hard and society is fucked up and you’re supposedly living in the best country in the world so how could you be in this miserable life? I think that might explain people being on the edge all the time and worn down from the stress and the guilt of not being successful and also how easily nonsense like somebody driving past you becomes a threat to the ego.

  • Personally, I’m worried and empathetic towards the good people affected in USA. Leaning back and enjoying the show when republican voters get their faces eaten by leopards. Not too worried about how it will affect us economically as it just is another maelstrom of international turbulence going on. Everything is quite unstable and unpredictable right now so it’s just another chaotic parameter. Unfortunately the sum of it all is paving the road for fascism to rise here as well when people feel unsafe and want order and vote for the ones with the loudest and easiest solutions to everything that is complex and scary. I think my social circles are pretty much the same, give or take some details.

  • whaleross@lemmy.worldtohomeassistant@lemmy.worldZigbee Device Reviews
    2 months ago

    Adding to the list, I’ve got several IKEA lightbulbs (the dimmable white colour temperature ones) and a few sensors (door/window, climate) that work well. Can’t recommend the IKEA remote control thingy because it just stopped working and nothing could bring it back up. The support didn’t sound surprised and refunded it no questions asked though so that’s good.

    And I’ve got plenty of generic tuya switches and sensors (door/window, climate, water leak etc), both old WiFi ones that are flashed with ESPHome and newer ones on ZigBee from Ali. So far they all work great.

    (With the exception that I killed one and then a replacement switch by having them power a tiny LED light. Counterintuitively it seems like a thing that can wear a cheap design smart switch out if the load is too small and something something I got it explained to me by someone that understands electric circuits but now it is gone again.)

    I have everything running in Home Assistant on a repurposed old NAS with a Sonoff USB ZigBee stick.

  • Because of biological programming. Humans are the only mammals with females that have permanent boobyliciously boobing boobies, so as per evolution it is no surprise that human males are going boinks for them. Size, shape, motion, who they be on are the mutual factors for any attractive body part, quite so also for boobs. They are cute when tight and jiggly, pretty when bouncy and cozy to feel up regardless of size, neat to catch a stolen glimpse and satisfactory to blblblblbl.

    I don’t know what kind of shocking reveal you expect.