I know a German patrol ship was there, so probably more allies as well.
From which country is the ship in the logo?
I know a German patrol ship was there, so probably more allies as well.
From which country is the ship in the logo?
I personally find peanut butter and jelly don’t work together at all. But I love a good open top bread slice with butter and jelly/jam. My favourites are quince, plum, raspberry and black current jam.
I don’t think he knows about second Beschaffung…
It’s harder to pick up broken or shorter spaghetti with a fork. If you break them up real small and make chicken noodle soup that you eat with a spoon - that’s fine. Italians do that as well.
victory always
Where are the dates of ww1?
Where are they?!
Or the polish soviet war, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan? The Russo Japanese war? The Russo British Crimea wars?
Gimme that towed artillery nuke
My idea for a quick fix would be
deleted by creator
Some years ago I stumbled upon this Norwegian artist (I’m not Norwegian). This is a very beautiful song.
How do you not know the antichrist himself - who briefly carried our hope of Putin’s regime collapsing into civil war?
That is the torturer and killer of children and other innocents, the nazi, fascist, genocider, the hot dog salesman and Putin’s personal chef who became the owner and leader of the mercenary company Wagner. He laid siege to bakhmut for a year and burned through countless of his mercenaries and other convict battalions as cannon fodder. He then complained to the ministry of defence about getting inferior treatment and deliveries then other battalions, he started to march on Moscow, throwing all of Russia into panic and despair, stopped his march, asked for forgiveness, was exiled to Belarus and later invited back to Moscow and killed in a helicopter explosion.
Now I kinda forgot his name. Which is not worth remembering anyway. Ok, I looked it up, it’s yevgeny prigozhin.
Where’s the swiss pontific guard in all this?
Hon hon is not a sound that’s possible in the french language, since they don’t pronounce the H.
Just replace it with “Ben ouais” and all french jokes will be better for it.
A gifted football is hardly a batch of shame.
China gifted Germany two pandas who live in the Berlin zoo. They cost us around 2 million euros a year in upkeep iirc. Now that’s a gift with a baggage.
Sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler
In this household we kneel for the clap and stand for the Jeb!
Haha “superior” western equipment is vulnerable, you see?! One Hi-MARS almost down, the others will follow. Russian rugged equipment is better and will soon win against puny, diva, only-works-in-ideal-conditions w*stern materiel.
Recessive isn’t always bad. In fact, many (maybe all) genetic traits have a dominant and a recessive information.
For example peas. Let’s say there is a gene for colour. The dominant variation of the colour gene carries the information “green”. Let’s call this gene c for colour. Then there is a recessive variation with the information yellow.
We’ll write the dominant information as capital C and the recessive as lowercase c.
Now there is a pea with the genetic information CC (one from each parent). That’s a green pea.
Then there is one with Cc (father green, mother yellow). But you see the pea and it looks just like a green pea. Because the green gene C is dominant and the yellow c is recessive. You don’t know, that this is a mixed variety.
If two seemingly green peas pollinate each other, but under the hood, they are Cc, then they might produce a cc yellow pea.
For a lot of genetic information that’s not a problem, they are just different characteristics and not harmful.
But if you have B = your blood coagulates normally, and b = your blood doesn’t thicken, you just bleed out and die when you have a paper cut…
Then inheriting b from both of your parents is a terrible fate.
This happened in the House of Saxe-Cobourg and other nobility in the 19th century.
Edit: the last part is actually a bit more complicated, but the explanation of dominant and recessive still works.