I thought it was regarded as a dick move to put a lot of traffic through tor?
Imma take a second to plug goblin tools. I’m autistic and it has saved my ass.
If you like puzzle games have you played the entropy center? Its better than portal IMO
I had an htc one that could transmit IR signals meaning you could mess with TVs and other simple wireless electronics. You could also use the headphone wire as an actual radio antenna.
From googles perspective, you, the user cost them money. Their revenue comes from ads. The brands don’t was to be associated with anything controversial so the results are tailored to be as PG and clean as possible.
Dockduckgo is just bing with diet privacy
Eh, I smoked for years and switched to vaping. It’s by no means healthy but it is better if you do it moderately. Don’t burn your lungs to make “hella clouds bro” and buy a quality vape made from metal and cotton instead of burning plastic.
As for the coughing but there’s an irony there. Nicotine numbs the cilia in the lungs but it’s short acting in that capacity. The tar from a cig would trap that nicotine and prevent irritation… Until the next morning when your body processed it out. That’s why smokers hack in the morning was a thing.
Every square inch of the earth is owned. I cannot fuck off into the woods, build a cabin, grow vegetables, hunt food, etc. I’m forced to be a part of society. Laws say I cannot provide for myself by natural means, there for society is required to provide for me within its system.