I’ve noticed that no one has mentioned Decay yet. It’s a two player coop expansion campaign also made by Gearbox for the Half Life 1 release for PS2. There’s a PC port with a singleplayer mode.
I’ve noticed that no one has mentioned Decay yet. It’s a two player coop expansion campaign also made by Gearbox for the Half Life 1 release for PS2. There’s a PC port with a singleplayer mode.
By keeping the bank from bankrupting you and garnishing your wages. The bank will happily take money from your accounts without your consent when the government comes asking for it. They will also take money from any accounts you may be cosigned on (my parents got so late on bills that the bank drained my account when I was a minor living with them, and there is no legal recourse for this).
Pretty hard to effect change when you can’t buy food because the government came by and took all your money out from under you.
Look. You’ve been provided advice towards what options are available to you. If you choose not to take that advice and to make this the hill you choose to die on, the government and the bank won’t hesitate to assist you with the choice to ruin your life over this.
Feel free to debate philosophy with the bank and the government. I’m out.
I know you can see my other comments. That isn’t what I’m saying at all.
You have to accept the reality of the system that exists, for the sake of survival in reality, before you can work on fixing it. This isn’t complicated, tacit acceptance of the shit situation, or advocating for non-action.
There are many indignities in life that you will have to accept for survival’s sake so that you are able to work on changing things.
Getting your wages garnished by the shitty system that exists, because you don’t agree with it and therefore decided to stop paying, doesn’t help anyone towards fixing it. It just makes your situation worse.
You have vitally missed my point. I’m not arguing that it’s something we should be happy about or not trying to change, just that it is something that is.
Unfortunately, we are required to exist in the world that is, rather than the world that should be. You have to survive in reality to be able to make changes to it.
You’re more than welcome to call up your loan provider and tell them you don’t accept the terms you already signed up for. Let us all know how that goes.
As much as it sucks, we most likely aren’t getting student loan forgiveness. It didn’t happen while Biden was in the height of his presidency, so it’s even less likely to happen now. It’s especially not happening now when the next guy up would most likely just repeal anything shoved through for it at the last minute before he takes office.
Switching to a government backed loan like you did should give you more options to potentially continue deferment based off your income, but that is something you would need to sort out with your loan provider. The term is “income based repayment”.
Is that meant to be a counterpoint? It doesn’t counter anything I said.
I acknowledged that it’s a shitty, predatory practice. That’s not something that I think any reasonable person could debate against. It still doesn’t invalidate any of my points.
There are many resources out there to assist, and in life we are regularly made to make decisions we aren’t adequately prepared for while we are still responsible for the consequences.
Something I haven’t seen talked about too much is that there is a hidden meta-puzzle involving a hidden 51st game, and one of the fictional in-universe devs trying to catalog what happened to/at the company.
It’s not relevant to enjoying the game as a whole, but it’s interesting how deeply some of it is hidden. The official discord has folks running it all down, and FuryForged on youtube has made a 48 minute video walking through everything that’s been discovered so far.
You’re never stopping predatory businesses from being predatory.
There are many ways to get assistance with student loans. There’s FAFSA before you start, there are federally backed ones that can’t pump up the interest rates, there’s income based repayment plans (that can go as far as full deferment), and if for some reason someone made the mistake of not using any of that there’s still options for loan consolidation/refinancing to better rates when better rates are available. On top of all that, most loan providers will work with you. They want your money, not the hassle of selling your loan to a collections agency for a lower amount.
None of that eliminates predatory loan providers, or the targeting of unprepared 18 year olds, but the impact can be blunted.
Beyond all that, at some point, some amount of personal responsibility must be taken for one’s actions. None of us will always have the capacity to fully understand every choice we make, or the knowledge to make those decisions from a fully informed position, but we all have to make certain decisions in life anyway and live with the consequences. Not fair, but that’s life.
I’m glad it’s been officially proven by a competitior. I’ve been shouting that since articles came out about the first human test subject. All of that invasive surgery, issues with the brain tissue pushing out some of the wires, and the best denonstrable result is that he can use a computer mouse with his mind?
There are so many damn options for accessibility with computer control (even mouse control) that don’t involve invasive brain surgery, and we know that we can monitor brain activity pretty clearly through sensors on the scalp.
Lol, while Git does a shit ton more than just file syncing, you’re effectively complaining that mixing two methods of syncing files causes problems.
I feel like that’s kind of obvious that it would be a bad idea.
Also, how in the hell are you using Git that it could even be possible to lose thousands of hours of work? Sounds like you guy weren’t properly checking in/out code and using branches well. There shouldn’t be that much work put in between sending it back to the repo on the server. Make a branch, check in every few hours even if it’s not compiling or finished. When it’s finally done you can use the end result. No need to make big “complete” commits when you can just shove all the messy in progress ones into a branch and merge the whole thing when it’s done and ready.
As far as OneDrive arbitrarily taking over folders? That should never happen. I’m not aware of a configuration that would make that possible (not saying there isn’t one, just that you’d have to go looking for it if you really wanted to fuck this up like that).
The normal setting is for it to sync the Documents, Pictures, and Desktop folders (including any sub files and folders recursively). So just store your repos outside of those folders and you shouldn’t have any problems.
To be fair, I’ve also seen OneDrive cause problems with PowerShell modules installed under the user (the default install location when using Install-Module). That tosses them in a subfolder under Documents, and “download files on demand” doesn’t mix well with “load this entire code library of multiple files”. So either use a custom install path, or install on your machine in the AllUsers scope (putting them in the Progams folder I believe).
It’s wonderful… in a business environment where it is configured well. Nowhere else.
Each user gets their own personal onedrive. More space than any single user will ever need at work, and you set it up to seamlessly back up most of the folders in the user profile (not the full profile because that will break shit).
No need to fuck around with the hijacking of the save menu. Save shit where you normally do and it’ll just sync. Integration with Office 365 means that if you open the same office doc simultaneously on multiple machines it just treats it like collaborative editing by multiple users, so no edit conflicts.
Any non-office file takes two minutes at max to sync to other machines you’re logged into if you’re at the office. Up to five minutes over VPN. Icons overlaid on each file’s icon or preview thumbnail clearly indicate the sync status.
Sharing files and collaboration is done through old school NTFS shares or Office 365 Sharepoint sites (often linked to a Teams group). Users can share amongst themselves between their OneDrives, but we reccomend
Holy shit, how has no one mentioned rechargable batteries?
Lithium Ion batteries, commonly used in phones and the like, rapidly catches fire and emits acidic smoke that will melt your lungs when the battery is punctured.
Friendly reminder that OpenRCT2 exists on PC, which is a source port of RCT2 but can effectively merge 1, 2, all of their expansions/addons, has support for custom content (coaster templates, scenarios, etc), and for even deeper modding through plugins.
Plus, games like RCT rarely work very well on controller.
For most people, through professional help. You aren’t SOL, and you could get there yourself, but it will be far easier with assistance from medical and psychological professionals that are trained to help guide you in ways that aren’t just you struggling on your own or beating yourself up internally.
I’ve skimmed your other posts and you need more than well meaning strangers on the internet will be able to give you. You may also want to look into potential legal action against the institution you say you were stuck in, as none of what you described sounds like standard practice of care for the autism misdiagnosis you said put you in there.
I’ve seen someone suggest wildmagic wands for a one shot.
Just because something can swim doesn’t make it a fish.
You should definitely check out the original Monkey Island games when you have a chance! 1 and 2 got well done remasters, and 3 onward don’t really need any remastering.
Watch Dogs
Fun, but sometimes the difficulty seems to be all over the place, particularly with running from pursuit. Sometimes you can lose them in a minute or two, other times the game keeps spawning in new cars in front of you with no way to dodge them without the ones behind you catching up.
If you’re a sucker for side content, there’s a ton of short stories and novellas (even a musical) that the fans have translated: I just got Ending E | The Ark Wiki
Kept the setting alive for just a little longer, and added some more context to the world and characters. Massive spoilers for anyone who hasn’t beat Automata though.
Can anyone provide any more context besides a github that only has a multi-page code of conduct as the readme?
I thought homeassistant rolled out voice control features around the end of last year/start of this one.