talk about me being confidently incorrect huh? i definitely confused the two.
talk about me being confidently incorrect huh? i definitely confused the two.
I feel like a good bit of people don’t understand how FMLA works
I actually dont know how FMLA works and have been corrected, apologies lol.
An FMLA violation would be dependent on if the FMLA claim was even opened which usually falls on an insurance agency not your company. You can’t violate something that hasn’t happened yet, right? A request for time off is not the same as using time available on an intermittent or continuous FMLA claim. No one has an intermittent claim for medical leave in case they are shot and hit by a truck lol
So even in a normal circumstance of not being shot say you’re taking care of an individual at home. You open an FMLA claim. But you still have to call off. You try and call off but it’s denied because Ricky the dick from packaging is already off. Well you’re obviously not going in so you get points either through an automated process or a supervisor with no spine that won’t exercise discretion in the name of floor coverage. In the meantime you call your insurance agency responsible for your company’s FMLA claim handling and they process your claim. Once your claim is approved by a case manager and supporting documents then your points go away and you can choose to consume paid time off or have excused unpaid absences and any point accumulated from this leave is negated.
This tweet was captured on 1/3/25. Today is 1/4/25. Claims do not process this quickly to have the potential of being violated.
Thanks I didn’t really think of it that way. Never really used the service before so I was taken back at the idea but that makes sense.
Maybe this is a dumb question but why are people willingly using a third party app to order food if they’re going to go get the fucking food themselves anyway? I had no idea this was a thing. Do we not like looking up phone numbers? No access to online menu? Pay a premium to avoid having a conversation? The only thing that makes sense is not wanting to have a conversation.
I know some of their hardware also sucks for the people saying that. I’ve had a share of crappy logitech stuff that kind of pissed me off. But, I love my MX master 3. I use it for work, it is so fun to wind your finger up and scroll downward on whatever long winded scroll able item you may happen upon. I had it for 2.5 years, it’s still trucking, I feel like I only charged it 4 times. It’s truly awesome.
I feel like if they replaced the first “that” with “when” it would read smoother. “…a time when that sign”
Not to mention I feel like I spent my whole working life having the “grateful to have a job” mindset. I’m not now, but worked construction through the housing market collapse, a recession or two thereafter. Many corporate bailouts. It wasn’t exactly easy to find a decent job if you didn’t “know” someone.
The global pandemic was a neat addition to the chaos of it all.
He’s speaking as a union rep, I get what you’re saying but he just can’t call a general strike. It would take years alone to get different trade union contracts to align to expire on the same year to get what he wants to do across. For example I’m in a steelworker union and my contract expires in 2027. If we sign a new contract in 2027 and participate in a general strike it wouldn’t be backed by our union and could be punishable. However if they vote to extend the current contract 1 year near the end of the contract (very likely) we would actually have steelworkers and auto workers contracts expiring on the same year which could be interesting if these assholes actually communicated with each other union to union.
Sorry if you knew all this but I took your comment as in a “why not sooner?” or “what are they waiting for?” context so I felt compelled to answer.
Consider me out of the loop, I’ll have to go looking now.
A lot of people really just don’t get this. I had to explain to a couple people they can go look at basically anything they want as to what you’re looking at. Less is more. We have an app on all company phones called lookout that monitors everything including GPS than you can’t turn off. I hate it. I have to keep my phone on when I’m at home too so I extra don’t like it.
Mk3 for super Nintendo
Kool stuff - Up up down down left right a b a
Kooler stuff - Select b a right left down down up up
Scott’s stuff - X b a y up left down right down