Yeah I still use their temp sensors and they seem to work fine. The door/window sensors seem to work ok too, but for the most part I’ve just swapped over to Aqara for anything new I’ve bought.
Yeah I still use their temp sensors and they seem to work fine. The door/window sensors seem to work ok too, but for the most part I’ve just swapped over to Aqara for anything new I’ve bought.
Yeah I gave up with them and went with Aqara ones. I just gradually replaced all the Sonoff motion sensors.
The Hue motion sensors are great, but quite expensive. I’ve found the Aqara ones to be best value for money. Haven’t had many issues with them.
Yeah I have been. But have a mix of apex and mini graph. Was going to migrate them all to apex and noticed it hasn’t been updated in years. Didn’t want to migrate everything and then have it stop working in a future home assistant update. Could be worrying about nothing though.
The only other thing I’ve noticed is that it’s quite power hungry compared to mini graph, albeit it having more functionality.
I don’t know, I haven’t used Grafana.
Thanks heaps for that. At the moment I’m relying on my Enlighten app login. Will check them out.
Mine has an integration which is handy (enphase). But it doesn’t tell me my grid usage. I’m trying to calculate it by taking my total consumption and subtracting my solar production. I think it roughly gives me the right overall number.
The problem is I can’t seem to get how much I’m feeding back into the grid. I might be able to work it out with some sort of calculation.
I might DM you about the P1, as it sounds like that might do the job.
Nice one. My system has that with its integration which is good. I’m yet to put it into a graph. The part missing from mine is working out how much I’m using from the grid.
It’s always hard when you leave a game. I left Sekiro for a bit over a month. The only reason I went back to it was because I was waiting for another game to install and thought I’d load it up again. I’m glad I did, because I didn’t drop it after that.
No that’s the first encounter. He’s hard, but it’s just a matter of learning the move set. You can do it!
I spent over an hour on one of the other bosses. I’m not good. I still managed to do it haha.
You can also look up some guides. Not to cheese him, but to help you get a look at the move sets so you aren’t in the thick of it while you’re trying to learn them.
Which Owl? I spent a lot of time on a couple bosses, sometimes it clicks and sometimes it doesn’t. If you keep at it you’ll eventually get into a pattern.
Yeah no worries. Sorry, still getting used to the crosspost stuff, so should have mentioned the Sekiro community.
Oh I already posted on the Sekiro community as well. Was just trying to test out the cross posting feature.
Oh right. I’ve been using Voyager so maybe that feature isn’t there yet. Will give it a shot on the web version.
How do I do that?
It doesn’t help that users might be split across instances. I posted recently over on this instance: !patientgamers@lemmy.ml
I didn’t want to repeat my post and annoy people who might see it two or three times.
Yeah good call. I might mess around with the mini PC with things like docker and Plex server before I do anything major with HA. I’m not having any issues with HA at the moment and the Pi seems to be going strong for now.
Sorry for the dumb question, but would I be able to achieve something similar to the Plex server Docker config you shared, but without docker? If I don’t bother trying to get HA running on the same mini PC?
I might have a play around with the mini PC before I try do anything major with HA.
Edit: have found a couple guides, so will try it out.
Is docker very different to HAOS? Anything major I’d have to do differently?
I’ve also heard of doing it using Proxmox, but not sure if there’s any advantages/disadvantages?
Also, thanks so much for those links. Super helpful.
Forgot to add, I got 16gb ram and 500gb hard drive.
Recently did this and yes it’s a pain. I don’t know if it’s going to help until next time we change phones, but what I did this time was name the device after the person, rather than the phone model.
The idea being that I can delete the old device in the future and replace it with the new device, named the same. That way I don’t have to change the device name in each automation every time. Hopefully that made sense. But I still haven’t tested it in reality.