I’m in East Anglia. We’ve had a light sprinkling overnight - and did last night too, which hadn’t entirely gone by the evening. Foggy otherwise this morning.
We’ve had a decent covering for days! Which is unusual for us because we’re pretty near the coast (NE, Teesside type area). I’m like a child with snow, love it, immediately wanted to make snow angels and an army of tiny snowmen. Unfortunately covid is still kicking my arse so I’m banned from going out in the cold or in fact out anywhere at all.
Someone make a snow angel for me 😭
Newcastle still covered from yesterday morning.
Nothing here in the Midlands. Very very icy though!
Edinburgh has snow, lovely!
I’m on the East Sussex coast, no snow but the worst frost so far and a freezing fog.
Had a small flurry yesterday morning for about 5/10 mins and fuck all since.
I live in a cloud, now. (West Midlands, it’s only mild fog.)
Very heavy frost and some fog, but no snow, and mostly rain predicted for later. :(
Freezing my tits off though!Pff, worst of all worlds!
Ha, yeah… Or it will be once it rains, at least with the frost it’s still looking nicer than normal outside., so there’s that lol
Just outside Glasgow and a decent fall overnight - still can’t feel my toes from having been out in it first thing this morning, but it’s very pretty.
None in Cambridgeshire. Cold enough to have icy white trees though
I’m on the coast of New South Wales and there is no snow. Nor is any forecast for any time in the foreseeable decades.
Thanks buddy