Pro tip: -z, -j are not needed by tar anymore since many years, tar will autodetect what compression was used if your distro is anything remotely modern.
Alexander Graham Bell was Scottish, who moved to Canada and then moved to the US.
It’s not a million miles away from the truth. The UK and France were the main advocates behind the ITU, so they got +33 and +44. Which is…fine…but I’ve not come across why NA got +1, etc. or even why those numbers were chosen at all.
Because the first thing Nero does when he arrives back in time is destroy the USS Kelvin (the ship where Kirk’s father is killed), and thus setting that universe off onto its new timeline. It could have been called anything, but someone decided on that one thing.
I’ve actually thought for a while now that a big software company should come out and say they support ReactOS for whatever their product is and advertise it like “Full, Oracle 23c DB support on ReactOS - but without the Microsoft tax.”
Yes, that’s not realistic between Oracle and MS, but it would be such a boon to ReactOS.
I think that’s a bit over simplified. Do you think they’d be able to understand Shakespeare? Or a spell book from the same time as Shakespeare? There’s a reason we continue to teach English until a child leaves secondary/high school.
I think the OP meant that if they all stopped learning maths at 10, and there was no English class at Hogwarts, they probably stopped learning to read at 10 as well (well, the Muggles anyway, there’s no mention of how the Wizards learn anything before 11 I don’t think?).
Thanks, you’re the best.
…Can someone share that emoji, please?
And there’s the place, Scone.
There’s Karma on Lemmy?
I’ll make it spin my desktop cube, force every window to move slightly so they wobble and play Louis Theroux’s lyric Jiggle Jiggle.
Why? Just because Windows uses can’t.
Yeah, I question that one, Pendleton Hill. Appending ‘ton’ usually denotes a contraction of ‘town’
The anglosphere is showing its colours, I see.
creating an app that essentially copped their proprietary OS
The OS hasn’t been ‘copped’. They emulated the protocol, and your lack of understanding and confusing the two has led us to having this conversation.
Because you’re confusing the difference between an OS, an application and a protocol.
This is nothing to do with the OS.
He has a point though, you haven’t refuted that.
Why? As the article states this actually lessens security for everyone (including iPhone users).
Newcastle still covered from yesterday morning.
Best city and people in the UK if you ask me.