I’m having some issues with my Plex’s stability and was curious what the community thinks about their chosen OS and Plex.
(If there’s a better site than SurveyMonkey for polls, let me know and I’ll re-do it)
Edit: turns out SurveyMonkey can only show me the first 10 responses. I’ll re-do this survey soon!
The results for those 10 was 3 Windows, 3 Linux, 2 MacOS, 1 NAS, 1 Proxmox. All stable except my answer.
But feel free to comment below what OS you run on, and whether you find it stable! Thanks!
Docker in unRAID, zero stability issues.
Ubuntu 22.04
Another for Ubuntu, & via Docker.
Ubuntu 22.04 aswell.
Ubuntu 22.04 Server edition here. Very stable in my opinion. I even have a usb xbox tuner attached to an antenna.
Docker in Unraid. no issues with stability.
Synology DSM7, Intel with hardware acceleration.
An old Mac.
Docker on Unraid
Debian 12, LXC on proxmox, x64 system.
Same with me… works great
Docker in Unraid. no issues with instability.
Synology NAS and Nvidia Shield TV, same content on both (NAS content).
Currently on Ubuntu Server, but I’ll likely switch to Debian when I upgrade my server.
Why the switch?
Ubuntu is based on Debian, so I figured I should just get on the source distro.
native server app on DSM 7 (synology ds918+)
its great for direct play, but when it starts having to transcode 4K x265 content the CPU can’t always hack it. But yeah, if you’re direct playing everything then it’s not an issue
Arch Linux!
Ubuntu 22.04 with docker, no issues it’s pretty barebones and easy to manage / update
I’m lazy and run it on an old Dell box running Windows 10.
I was amazed as a I scrolled that I was going to be the only one that said windows. Glad there are at least 2 of us.
Do you have any issues with it crashing?
Usually only after an unusual shutdown and reboot like a power outage. But for the most part it’s pretty solid. It’s definitely on an improvement on my previous attempts to do it on an iMac from 2012 that had s shit 5400 failing 2.5" HD in it. Current device is a Dell OptiPlex 2020 with 8GB RAM and 250GB SSD with 2TB external drive for media (I have a 4TB waiting in the wings to replace it). Overall, it’s fast and stable. I would say there were definite improvements when I went to a lifetime Pro account with Plex. Given that these are parts that I pay nothing for via discard and device retirement in my workplace, I’m pretty happy with the outcome.
I run the snap version of Plex in an Ubuntu VM running in hyper-v on windows 11 pro. Unfortunately, my gaming computer and server are the same machine, and anti-cheat forces me to use windows as the host OS.