Is there a reason(s) you’re doing NixOS over something like ProxMox? A friend of mine has been moving his lab over to ProxMox containers so i was thinking to do the same thing, but curious about NixOS since I’ve seen a few people mention it. Thanks! Keybase “Main” Lemmy account 🐭
Is there a reason(s) you’re doing NixOS over something like ProxMox? A friend of mine has been moving his lab over to ProxMox containers so i was thinking to do the same thing, but curious about NixOS since I’ve seen a few people mention it. Thanks!
The link on Hidden Palace is a 404. Maybe it’s still being uploaded or wrong path provided?
I’m using LiveSync & it has been working great for me.
You’ll need something to actually host the site. I usually stick with nginx but that’s just preference. Once you get that running you can edit files for the site & start looking into some guides or tutorials for nginx.
I don’t recommend putting your site on the general internet. It’s just going to be attacked & can compromise your network. I have local web services but use a WireGuard VPN setup so that I can access when I’m not home, & not allow access to the internet.
I don’t think it will have everything you’re looking for, but I really like DailyTxT. I do have a couple other note-taking apps & seeing if I want to replace DailyTxT with Obsidian, but I like the web-hosted & straight-forwardness of DailyTxT.
What could go wrong? /s
Another response for “VPN”. I don’t have any of my self-hosted services exposed publicly & use WireGuard with the on-demand settings so that whenever I’m not at my house, I am automatically connected.
Some users did mention that things like TV’s, etc outside your network wouldn’t be able to connect, but that hasn’t been an issue for me, since I don’t use my services like that.
And of course I can’t find my chargers to get the data of my 3DS =(
Wow, I didn’t think I paid that much for mine. I preordered it when it came out, but I thought I was paying closer to $50. Not cheap either, but still not $75
They tell you to place the phone facedown so the screen will at least dim & not be keeping you from sleeping (hopefully). Otherwise yeah, the alternative is to get the device that can track sleep without leaving the phone screen on.
Another for Ubuntu, & via Docker.
If you don’t have the Pokémon GO Plus+ it needs the phone to be on =\
On any jobs interviews i do, i always ask if the applicant has questions because they are interviewing us as much as we are them.