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Civ VI Huge 95% off steam deal
Civ VI is pretty cheap right now, grabbing it at the moment for 3€, but that might change from region to region.
The dlcs packs are pretty cheap too.
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Civ VI Huge 95% off steam deal
Civ VI is pretty cheap right now, grabbing it at the moment for 3€, but that might change from region to region.
The dlcs packs are pretty cheap too.
I heard a lot of heavy Civ IV and V players criticize VI as being worse than those two (especially with mods), what is the general opinion on this?
IMO 5 > 6 > 4
But it’s been ages since I played 4. I remember it being pretty good. Maybe if I played both 6 and 4 again I would come out with a different ranking. But 5 reigns supreme. The mechanics are just so much tighter and more interesting.
For what? IV and VI have a lot going for them. V is total trash.
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I’ve been playing Civ 6, with and without the mods. Custom Leaders and many combinations of mods tend to make the game desync after 100 turns on quick speed, but I enjoy it.
I’ve enjoyed civ 5 too but just haven’t played as much I guess. The DLC being so numerous, my rating of Civ 6 against 5 would depend on which “edition” you have. It bugs me that it doesn’t show which civs you didn’t own don’t appear until after you select them in the menu.
Honestly, the only Civ I’ve ever played was Civilization Revolution 2. I enjoyed that one quite a bit. Figured for 3 smackaroons, I’ll get at least that much enjoyment out of Civ 6.
Honestly, after playing some of Paradox’s Grand Strategy games I prefer those. It’s not a fair comparison since they’re so wildly different though. I love Crusader Kings 3. The way you’re playing a very specific person as opposed to your empire in an abstract sense is very fascinating to me.
Civ IV is the GOAT.
5 is simpler, but still with a lot of depth and a high skill ceiling. 6 just added more systems without much rhyme or reason. That’s what I felt anyway, I also massively preferred 5’s art style.
That’s probably the best way to put it without writing an essay. 5 is intentional with mechanics, new ones become available as older ones become automated or less relevant. 6 is just a constant barrage of things happening, especially with gathering storm.
Civ V was the first one I played. I could not get into 6