Hi there! I recently created !sonicthehedgehog@lemmy.world, !metroid@lemmy.world, and !slycooper@lemmy.world for their respective series. All three of these are series I really enjoy, and it seemed like there wasn’t much in the way of active communities for them.

  • Sly I could find nothing for.
  • Sonic has an SDF, .ml, and pawb.social community, but these are dead, and their moderators have not posted anything anywhere in nearly a year or more.
  • Metroid has one nearly dead community on lemm.ee which I would have posted to instead, except both of its moderators seem to be long-gone as well.

These all have the same (I think pretty lax) sets of rules, and I intend to share the rules across any retro gaming subreddits I may create going forward. I’m not looking for moderators right now only because these are starting out so small, but I’d be stoked to have you come check any of them out and contribute!

  • TheTechnician27@lemmy.worldOP
    6 months ago

    Interesting! I’d feel a lot more comfortable with it if it were FOSS, but it still looks like a good host. I’ll add a link to it in the sidebars with the non-FOSS disclaimer and suggest that users posting videos or very large images use it. Thank you. :)