Wouldn’t go that far. Actual communists may not be as reflexively “West Bad” as tankies, but generally have a negative view of Western-led international initiatives like NATO.
I am a full blown communist, despie the soviet union, china, the DPRK, vietnam, the middle east and so on, yet support NATO, the west and especially europe, while also acknowledging that the west is not perfect and does a shitton of bad stuff. Edgy anti-communists can’t bother to not think in black&white. Reality is more complex than that.
wait, you think it’s wrong to have a problem with an authoritarian state as a communist?
brother in Christ, most left coms see Stalinism, and it’s progeny as nothing more than fascist masquerading as communists, I mean what actual resemblance do they have to a stateless society run by local governments made of the people who live there, and while I’m not 100% with the outdated anarchism, I can at least recognize that the soviet and the sino state structures aren’t communist
And the name we designate these “communists” are tankies or MLs (Marxist-Lenninists). They are only communist in name and believe in authoritarian ideals like what is happening in China or Russia.
Spiderman shouting “Fascist” at Spiderman, at this point.
Not that it matters. Nobody on this site has any actual influence over the killing. We’re all just getting off on being self-righteous and calling each other names.
People upholding liberal and democratic values do have influence over these matters. But obviously “lefties” and “righties” try their best to undermine human rights.
Oh look, the post is overrun by genocide apologists!
Lemmy is lousy with communists and antifa types who suxk chomsky’s balls like the bootlicking commies they are.
Those people are not considered communists by actual communists. Actual communists are in favor of NATO.
Wouldn’t go that far. Actual communists may not be as reflexively “West Bad” as tankies, but generally have a negative view of Western-led international initiatives like NATO.
I am a full blown communist, despie the soviet union, china, the DPRK, vietnam, the middle east and so on, yet support NATO, the west and especially europe, while also acknowledging that the west is not perfect and does a shitton of bad stuff. Edgy anti-communists can’t bother to not think in black&white. Reality is more complex than that.
What’s your problem with Vietnam?
wait, you think it’s wrong to have a problem with an authoritarian state as a communist?
brother in Christ, most left coms see Stalinism, and it’s progeny as nothing more than fascist masquerading as communists, I mean what actual resemblance do they have to a stateless society run by local governments made of the people who live there, and while I’m not 100% with the outdated anarchism, I can at least recognize that the soviet and the sino state structures aren’t communist
You didn’t answer my question. Besides to say it’s authoritarian (which, so are most forms of communism
not really, communism calls for an abolishment of the state, or are we playing the “everything that calls its self X is X” game?
by that logic, the DEMOCRATIC people’s REPUBLIC of Korea must be a democratic republic, the people’s REPUBLIC of china must be a Republic, etc…
or do we describe things based on what they act like?
Hence the ‘generally’.
Hey quick question: Are there any communist countries that you, a “full blown communist,” support?
You might enjoy this essay on the importance of supporting communists when they win, and not just when they lose.
And the name we designate these “communists” are tankies or MLs (Marxist-Lenninists). They are only communist in name and believe in authoritarian ideals like what is happening in China or Russia.
Communism is a threat to western civilization. NATO was created to collectively defend against communists.
That’s just a “no true scottsman” fallacy.
Oh look, a fascist who labels anyone that criticises a stupid right wing meme as a genocide apologist.
Look at this right wing meme which (checks notes) dunks on right wingers!
Oh look, an actual fascist who loves genocides!
Spiderman shouting “Fascist” at Spiderman, at this point.
Not that it matters. Nobody on this site has any actual influence over the killing. We’re all just getting off on being self-righteous and calling each other names.
How dare you accurately describe me!
People upholding liberal and democratic values do have influence over these matters. But obviously “lefties” and “righties” try their best to undermine human rights.
Upholding values by doing what?
Well, I don’t know. By creating things like human rights, for example. Or making slavery illegal. Those small things no one cares about.
What does that look like in practice?
So… legislating?
Creating laws, and institutions based on liberal values of, free expression and responsibility
Don’t steer the topic away.
oh look, a leftist who defends an alt right government