I highly doubt the left will do anything uncivil. How can they win back the country? Is it too late?

  • squid_slime@lemm.ee
    1 month ago

    The us is ground hog day, they won’t win it back instead they will spend two years bickering then two years bad mouthing and it will continue to repeat as they believe they’ve got ‘democracy’ you guys don’t your being played by the political elites and the capitalist. Also stop throwing liberal around as a broad left notion, liberalism is an insult to any leftist.

    If you want change then join a socialist party that is connected to an international. Make moves in unions. Build workers power. Be willing to fight. Educate yourselves so you can educate others. Marxism isn’t some silly notion or wond waving. Its a scientific approach to a healthy and just society, Karl Marx watched the birth of global capitalism, predicted its failures: failures we are still seeing today, and sort to tackle the issue with years of research and analysis. What he made is a solid base for us to build on.