• Buffalox@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    IDK if the claim that wages in weapons industry have increased to 5 times of what it was at the beginning of the war is true. That sounds extreme even for Russia. But apart from that every single point made in the video appear to be true.

    If you have seen my comments early on, and later around the times of the increased central bank interest rate to 21%, and the decline of the Ruble, You have seen I’ve made the exact same claims. And predicted this trend already more than a year ago.

    Russian economy is not just overheating, it’s both declining and overheating at the same time. Which kind of camouflages the already ongoing collapse. Talking about the Russian economy possibly collapsing, is disregarding the fact that it’s already collapsing. It’s just a slow collapse, because the government has had a war chest of money to pump into the economy. But we have now passed the point where more money can help the economy, because there is worker shortage, and it just blows up inflation.

    Possibly the next sign of this ongoing collapse will be widespread use of food stamps, like they used in the late 80’s when the Soviet Union collapsed.
    When that happens, it’s a sign that the end for the Russian federation is near.
    Food stamps are very likely IMO, because without them, inflation will cause widespread starvation already 2025 among ordinary pensioners and the poor.