Refreshing flavored tv static in a can.
Well, I can’t provide a better description than that.
TV static with the memories of a flavor
Transported in the same truck as a lime once.
It’s extremely okay.
Of all the reviews, this was one of them.
Tell my wife I said hello
It tastes nothing like OK Soda
For those who are younger than 40 or not from one of the few test market cities -
I love La Croix. My favorite flavor is Coconut.
I don’t buy it anymore now that I have a soda stream hooked up to a 5lb CO2 tank
You went directly to the tank? I’ve been filling co2 bottle with minimal success.
Yes! I bought one of these and run it right to the tank without a regulator. I close the tank after every use. Currently I swap the tank at a local liquor shop, but there’s a welding supply place I will likely switch to in the future to get a better price.
Supposedly you can refill the smaller cylinder tanks but I think this is easier
Thank you. Enjoying my first glass of big tank bubbly lemonade.
I bought the adapter to fill the bottles but i believe they have a valve protector of some type. I have to fill really slowly and if i open the valve to much they stop. Even if i freeze them i can only get them about half full. I got my tank from a keg shop. I think it was about $80 and $20 to refill. I’ll check for the hose adapter to the machine.
You may have to turn the tank upside down to fill the small one with liquid co2 instead. At least that’s how I’m getting best results.
I’ve tried different things - freezing, upside down, etc. It’s hard to hold everything without a helper. I just bought the adapter to contact straight to the machine. Will see how that goes tomorrow.
Delicious and fizzy. Pamplemousse best mousse.
I hated it until I got older. It’s an acquired taste, but once you like it, it’s super refreshing.
Crt TV static in a can
I really like the stuff but that description is TOO accurate.
And that’s fine, some people like canned static. I happen to like deep fried bull testicles
I love it, and for anyone else who does, I have a suggestion.
Get a SodaStream (or whatever your carbonator-of-choice is) and a cheap adapter to run it from a standard CO2 tank. Not only do you save money on CO2 refills, but you save money on buying cans of seltzer, too. The concentrated flavor additives are only a few dollars at the grocery store.
I think my SodaStream was something like $100. The adapter and hoses were $50-ish. The flavor syrup costs around $5 for enough to make gallons. Every few months or more, I might pay $50 or so to refill a 20lb CO2 tank. It’s already paid for itself, and it’s incredibly convenient.
You can skip the soda stream and use a cheap carbonator cap on standard plastic bottles and a ball lock connector on your gas line if you’re willing to shake the bottle manually.
I’ve taken this setup a couple levels up over the last 5 years.
First level: kegerator and switch out the bottle for a keg, bonus points for using a diffusion stone in the keg to speed the absorption of CO2.
Second level: plumb the water line and use a continuous carbonator lid on the keg. Your gas pressure will need to be 10-15 psi (.7-1 bar) lower than the water pressure. Even a small 2.5gal (9.5L) keg makes for nearly infinite cold fizzy water at reasonable consumption rates.
Happy to make a parts list if anyone is interested.
I’m on this journey myself; lay out that parts list, my man
The list is going to be mostly USA specific
(I’ll come back with links), but many of the fittings are from Kegland (Australia), so we get a blend of “freedom” units and metricWe’ll start with level 1:
Tools: Depending on what exactly your goals are, you’ll need
- a tubing cutter
- a faucet wrench
- a crescent wrench (for attaching the regulator nut. 11/8in nuts on the regulators in my possession)
- a cheap water pressure gauge (you can check on your hose bib outside).
I’ll be specifying push-in fittings because they’re so much nicer to use.
Kegerator: obviously not a hard requirement. You can build a “keezer” out of a chest freezer, or bore a hole in your fridge for the faucet, or even use a picnic tap on a keg in the fridge (but you’ll also have to get your gas line in the fridge which means also putting the tank in there, or boring a hole for the line anyway)
CO2 tank: These come in 5, 10, and 20lb sizes commonly available at welding shops, and are almost universally swapped out instead of refilled (so don’t get attached). Check your prices for a new tank on the internet before you go to the welding shop to buy one. They will likely overcharge you for the first tank (by a hundred dollars), but they’ll like it if you bring them a shiny new one and might give you a discount. My 10lb tank lasts us about 6 months and I have a backup 5lb tank.
CO2 regulator: If you’re planning on beer taps too, go for a dual regulator right away and save yourself the hassle (serving beer is low pressure vs high pressure for water). Try to find one with a threaded output (“flare”) instead of a barbed output (or bonus points for having a push-in fitting already).
Keg: I use 2.5 or 5 gallon ball-lock cornelius (corny/soda) kegs
Gas and beer/water tubing: I use evabarrier only. All the fittings will be 8mm push-in (typically “duotight”) so get a length of 8mm x 4mm for liquid, and 8mm x 5mm for gas. These are the conventions for beer, and I just followed them for water.
- 1x of the 1/4" x 8mm push-in fittings for the CO2 regulator
- 1x Gas ball lock (typically gray), 1x Liquid Ball lock (typically black). I’d go for a “flow control” liquid ball-lock fitting. They are just enough different to be incompatible, so make sure to get 1 of each.
- 1x 8mm x 6.5mm push-in reducer (for the tap faucet shank)
- 1 6.5mm (3/16") compatible faucet shank
- 1 beer faucet
- 1 novelty tap handle
- I always recommend a check valve on the CO2 line, but it isn’t a hard requirement (until we plumb the water line in level 2).
- Optional: keg lid with diffusion stone (or buy the stone and attach it to your gas post to save a little, but you’ll need matching hose and clamps.
Level 2: This assumes you have completed level 1 Additional tools: none!
I’m going to assume you have a standard angle stop (like your toilet) for your water line. And I’m going to assume your plumber was nice enough to attach a 3/8" (9.5mm) push-in fitting.
- 9.5mm evabarrier to connect to the output that we’ll step down to our “standard” beer dispensing 8mm. I have about 4 inches of it before reducing
- 1x 9.5mm to 8mm push-in reducer
- 2x 8mm check valves for your gas and water lines (don’t be backing up the system on either side!)
- 1x [liquid ball lock ](Liquid Ball lock)
- 1x inline push-in regulator if you don’t know your water pressure and/or need to reduce it
- 1x continuous carbonator keg lid (you can move your diffusion stone to this cap)
Thanks for the info, I especially like the cheeky note about the novelty tap handle! I’m going to save this into my second brain for 2025 doings
You’re welcome! It’s a fun project and journey. Feel free to message if you have questions.
Holy shit, I need this
I replied to a different comment with the list!
Soda stream is on the BDS list. Buy second hand at best.
I just shake the water to carbonation using a stainless steel 2 gallon tank with a tap I keep in the fridge.
I use a squeeze of lime in my glass before adding the water and it’s great!
It tastes like ass, but over time you grow to enjoy the taste of ass, and eventually you prefer the taste of ass .
Lime La Croix got me off soda. Just a heads up - carbonation is slightly acidic. Throw in natural flavor like lemon or lime, and youve got even more acidity. Just saying, don’t do what I did and drink 2-3 per day without a meal. I’ve had to get 5 fillings in the past year. Not attributing it directly to my La Croix habit (I also only brushed in the morning and never flossed, not anymore!) - but I did find some stuff online that hinted the acidity of these drinks can run your teeth down. Maybe not that much, but it sure doesn’t help.
Same with acid reflux. Have to dial it back when i start noticing its acting up again. Delicious, and a hell of a lot better than soda, but moderation for sure
Throw 2 or 3 naproxen in with that and you’ll wake up in the night extremely unhappy.
You don’t floss?
I think you’d be surprised just how many people don’t. I didn’t until I was in my 30s, mostly because my parents never taught me how and it seemed like an ‘extra’ step. I tried a couple times but couldn’t make a habit of it.
Weirdly, It finally clicked for me when a dentist patiently explained that you don’t brush your teeth, you clean your teeth.
Brushing and flossing are not two different tasks. That would be like sweeping the floor and then just leaving the pile of dirt on the floor instead of sweeping it into the dustpan. It’s not done if you only do half of it. She also suggested tools I could use to make it less painful (I have TMJ). I have only missed a single day since, and that was because I was unconscious for a surgical procedure.
I sure do now.
I can’t get into it. It makes me crave plain water more than anything.
I used to drink a fair amount of pop. I mean, not excessive amounts, but more than I do now. In all my years on earth, I’ve absolutely never ever able to enjoy diet soft drinks. The aftertaste is just absolutely disgusting and the entire flavor of the drink is ruined.
I actually like artificial sweetener in my coffee because coffee already has a very bitter and strong aftertaste. So artificial sweeteners are not as noticeable. But with soft drinks it just completely takes over and makes everything absolutely disgusting.
I didn’t like sparkling water at first, but over the years I’ve come to really enjoy it and I drink it far more than I do soft drinks. I’d pick a sparkling water over a diet soft drink 1000000%.
Thank you for saying this, completely agree. I eyeroll whenever i hear someone say “they have no taste”. Usually those people are soda drinkers, and have no idea how messed up their taste is. Soda completely overwhelms your tastebuds, and you get used to having so much sugar, so everything else will taste bland.
Once you dial down soda, or even cut it out which is what i did, you’ll start to notice most things taste a lot better
I see you are a gentleman of fine taste 🧐
Like others, I used to hate it and drank a lot of soda. Now, I’ve dropped soda and love lacroix as an alternative. Although, there are better brands (Waterloo).
I prefer Bubly and Waterloo. They’re more flavorful, while still being sweetener-free.
Same. Waterloo Cherry Limeade and Blackberry are the flavors I like most.
My favorites too
All their flavors are bangers. Much better than lacroix
The only brand that my wife and I have found consistently better than these 2 is Good & Gather from Target. Slightly cheaper and some great flavors!
The lemoncello flavor is my favorite.
I usually prefer straight citrus, but this one has grown on me