Tbh, I hate the snippets I’ve seen from the show, and because of them have never watched a full episode. If it’s on at someone else’s house, I leave.
Which has nothing to do with the bullshit posted, I just wanted to complain about the show lol.
The worst thing about BBT is that the prequel Young Sheldon is genuinely great, but if BBT leaves a poor taste in your mouth you’ll probably never watch it.
Also funnily enough the YS sequel Georgie and what’s her face goes back to the BBT laugh track formula again as if they learned nothing about what made YS stand out.
Nice :)
I’ve only seen a few bits of BBT and it was genuinely unfunny. It was literally just:
Say a nerdy word
Audience laughs
Say another nerdy word
Audience laughs
Hot dumb girl walks in and says something dumb
Audience laughs
Seriously. What is this stupid shit? It’s not even the nerd thing. I love shows that make fun of nerdy characters despite being a nerd myself. One of my favourite shows is IT Crowd which seems like it has the same premise (a bunch of nerds and their non-nerd-woman babysitter) but is actually extremely funny because it has great writing that doesn’t disrespect its audience.
And that’s the crux of it. BBT is unfunny not because it tries to make fun of nerds. It’s unfunny because it treats its audience like they’re morons!
Silicon Valley is another example of how to do it right.
Yes and the movie Office Space, also by Mike Judge!
I genuinely believe that there was 6 excellent seasons of television there, but they took 12 seasons to make it.
Some of the jokes and character stuff is actually really good stuff (by american prime time sitcom standards) but theres so much padding and filler it feels like a chore.
When BBT came out a lot of people said I’d enjoy it, because “haha nerdy science humor haha”. I watched an episode and genuinely hated it—just more unfunny, one dimensional, Chuck Lorre dog shit.
I think I’ve been in the presence of maybe two or three other episodes since. They were also unfunny dog shit.
BBT, Friends, Scrubs, How I Met Your Mother. I don’t understand what people like about these shows. To each their own, I suppose.
Scrubs seems unlike the others
Yeah, Scrubs is genuinely brilliant for the first couple of seasons at least
I tried to rewatch it recently and the first season has not aged well. I don’t know how much of that was the Chuck Lorre influence, but it was tough to watch. I remember the show being incredible, so it must have been later on when they found their own voice.
It is nothing more than jokes at the expense of nerd culture, not jokes that appeal to nerd culture. When people tell me I would like it, that is what I tell them.
I compare it to Community. Community is a smart show about “dumb” people, while BBT is a dumb show about “smart” people.
Its tough to make a show thats acceptable for tv at an hour when Grandma, the parents and 3 kids 13 through 4 can all be in the room and nobody wil insist it be turned off.
Its like McDonalds, they dont care how many people LOVE it, its how many people find it acceptable.
I’ve seen a few episodes, I didn’t like them. I got this vive that I was being made fun of and didn’t really find it funny
The punchline is not the nerdy thing Sheldon said, the punchline is that Sheldon said something nerdy. The target audience has no idea what the fuck he’s talking about, because half the time there is no joke and it’s random bullshit about star trek, star wars, d&d, or other shit they used to bully kids for in school.
Sometimes there are some genuinely funny nerd jokes, but too few to redeem the show in any capacity. The laugh track every 5 seconds is also insufferable.
Oh and they shit on Wil Wheaton a lot for playing Wesley and I respect that.
Oh and they shit on Wil Wheaton a lot for playing Wesley and I respect that.
Interesting. I was wondering why hating on him became popular. Another example of people being sheep. The best part is how people reconn it to justify their flock behavior. See also: hatred for Nickleback.
Wil is a cool guy and doesn’t actually deserve any hate, it’s just funny because Wesley is an insufferable little fuck head and at the very least bbt understsnds that.
See also: hatred for Nickleback.
Both in general, just personally as myself, and as an autistic person:
I fucking despise Sheldon.
He is an inconsiderate asshole.
It is entirely possible to be a high functioning autistic person and not be a complete fucking asshole.
Because Sheldon exists, any time I tell someone I am autistic, he is who I get compared, by default.
The show does a piss poor job of representing a very obviously autism coded character.
He’s basically depicted as a sociopath.
Autistic people are not sociopaths.
They do not all have an absurd level of narcissistic self confidence, they more often have pretty darn low self confidence due to their proposensity to fail real world dialogue checks against neurotypical people.
And this troubles them. It makes them frustrated, sad and angry that someone misunderstood them or visa versa, they aren’t flippant, cock sure assholes who only see other people as means to and end.
… I fucking hate Sheldon.
The guys are also super misogynistic.
Big Bang Theory wasn’t really that funny. At best, it was something to watch while you waited for something good to come on.
Much like musk is a stupid person’s idea of what a genius is, BBT is a stupid person’s vision for a show about smart people.
It does manage to give me that cozy feeling like everything is just fine, but it’s objectively terribly written, the canned laughter is grating, and it doesn’t pass inclusivity tests/it didn’t age very well.
So are they like smart people with doctorates doing research at university level or are they connoisseurs of gaming and fantasy? The show implied they are the same thing.
Both. The show is not aware there’s a difference
All nerd/dork archetypes combined into one
I can’t watch that nor any other Chuck Lorre trash. His shows just rub me the wrong way.
I have never been subjected to more than 5 minutes of that drivel. Every single joke is just HAH NERDS!
Show sucks.
ITT and everywhere else: Nobody gives a shit about your personal experience with the show from the post. We don’t need 3000 comments saying “Well, I never really liked the show anyway.” You bunch of NPC acting mf’ers.
How DARE people have a conversation related to the post on MY social media
Ooh your response is so original.
nah, fuck you, I’ll call garbage garbage if I want.
quit your bullshit trying to tell people not to react to your trash.
If it’s not already clear I don’t give a fuck about your opinion. This is a continuation of that.
yeah fuck all that, and you, and the horse you rode in on.
twice. see the sidebar dipshit, rule one.
I’m calling you and your bullshit out.
OooOooohh. lmfao
“Nobody” either gives a shit about your opinion about personal experiences.
Ironic that I’d value a “I like it” or vice versa more than this drivel about people being NPCs.