Either all at once, or over a lifetime?

  • HelixDab2@lemm.ee
    3 days ago

    Fun fact: alprazolam (Xanax) also has a ridiculously high LD50, about 1220mg/kg in female rats. For a human that weighs 57kg, that works out to 69.5 grams, or about 2.5oz of pure alprazolam. The maximum dose for prescription is 4mg, or .004g; you would need to ingest >17,000 4mg bars of Xanax to consume a fatal dose.

    Almost all of the time, “fatal overdoses” of Xanax are in combination with other drugs, like alcohol, which can act as a synergist and depress respiration. But most of the time, you’ll just black out for a few days.

    (But. We don’t know that actual LD50 in humans, only in rats and mice. It’s possible that the human LD50 is either lower or higher.)