I’m starting university this autumn & these are my main options. Reasons:
~ Accounting: guaranteed job from my boyfriend (businessman) to gain experience. Stable, monotonous, office job - which I like. I like routine. Comfy earning potential.
~ Foreign languages: I love language learning. Can get into the advanced group for German since I already know it well. In demand languages. Good earning potential & opportunities.
~ Physiotherapy: stable job, comfy salary. Relatively routine & chill.
If it were me, I’d major in accounting or physiotherapy and, if possible, minor in a language (probably Mandarin).
I’m sure you’ll have enough electives for a language minor if you’re dedicated to it, but sometimes there are other fun courses that you want to take more, like abnormal psych or some cool topic in literature or an intro computer science course.
If you don’t like what you’re studying, don’t be afraid to change your major. It’s not the end of the world and you’ll probably be happier.
My country doesn’t offer minors. 😒
Ah. I guess electives are just for fun then? Do they even have them? I hope they do, since my electives were some of the most fun I had at university (because I hated my major).
There aren’t really any “electives”. Even all the “optional” courses are related to your specialisation & you’re required to take them (a certain number of them).
Aw, that’s not great. :( I’m sure you can still have a good time though.
There are probably some “day in the life” YouTube videos from people in the professions you’re interested in if you’re into that kind of thing.