That’s where I met him ;)
Sorry for my super late reply to the thread…
That’s where I met him ;)
Sorry for my super late reply to the thread…
Doom 1 is the one that will always hold a place in my heart. The family PC back then only ran at 25MHz and Doom required 33 so my Dad would bring his work laptop home for me to play on. No headphones but it didn’t matter, it was such an impactful experience for me as a kid and I’ll always remember it fondly.
I got to meet Jon Romero a few years back too - they say you shouldn’t meet your heroes but he is definitely an exception. Super nice dude and he blocked out a full hour on his calendar to just chat with me.
It’s ok, just select “Accept all” - their 172 (!) partners are “trusted”
I think that’s a great metaphor and great advice. When it dawned on me that I don’t have to react it was actually quite relieving. It’s never easy, but it doesn’t have to be so hard.
It states everyone else will wear a mask too and he will remove his during his deposition. Like it or not, the courts require in-person attendance.
Just think about the potential, any combination of fruits could be a controller. This could spell the end of non-produce controllers.
Rabbit? Flu shot? Someone talk to me!
Crime, penetration, crime, penetration, crime, full penetration.