That’s not accurate, the image is missing sleeps between each print.
What about the random matrix style character stream in the background?
The character is just an amazingly good hacker. They operate at speeds us mere mortals can’t comprehend /s
import time … … time.sleep(5) … time.sleep(5) … time.sleep(5) … time.sleep(5)
I was going to say it was missing the sleeps every other line.
Blocking code gets your peepee slapped.
Mono.just(“Penetrating system”) .doOnNext(System.out::println) .delayElement(Duration.ofSeconds(1)) .flatMapMany(() -> Flux.just(“20%”, “40%”, “60%”, “80%”, “100%”)) .map(“Hacking NASA %s”::format) .doOnNext(System.out::println) .delayElement(Duration.ofSeconds(1)) .subscribe();
I can tell I’m getting better at programming because I’m getting better at reading meme code.
It’s so beautiful!
I’m not sure it’s wise to just tell people how to do this sort of thing?
OP is on a list now.
Fake, true hackers use one print function using \n
Nah, the last line should say
I’m in
Last bits are: “Would you like to see files on”
“1. Secret moon base”
“2. Captured alien space craft”
“3. ELE asteroid headed for earth”
Also: what’s up with the fake browsers? How difficult us it to setup a local webserver, setup a hosts entry and use a real browser to open the webpage? Or open a static webpage via file:// protocol. I find it more effort to “program” a fake browser with complete interface…
There are trademarks and usage requirements to consider, easier to make a fake one with no branding.
Never mind fake browsers, fake OSes. When do you see Windows or macOS or Linux on anything in movies. They always replace the OS with some super futuristic cyber system.
Unless it’s ‘True Lies’, in which case the terrorists are running Windows 3.1.
please tell me they at least had a command prompt up
Nope, they use a GUI program called ‘Data Extraction Program’:
Which it’s why I like Mr Robot
target = input("Enter target to hack:") print(f'--Hacking {target}--') print('initiating ~~anal penetration~~ backdoor entry') for progress in range(0,100,20): print(f'Hacking {target}: {progress}%') print(f'{target} hacked successfully')
from random import uniform from time import sleep target = input("Enter target to hack:") print(f'--Hacking {target}--') print('initiating ~~anal penetration~~ backdoor entry') for progress in range(0,100,20): print(f'Hacking {target}: {progress}%') sleep(uniform(1,3)) print(f'{target} hacked successfully')
You called progress instead of print function at the end.
We’ll fix it in post-production
aw man
print('initiating ~~anal penetration~~ backdoor entry')
Are we hacking or shooting a gay porn? I’m fine either way, I just need to know which basement I get in.
Ahh a man of culture, I see.
…Wait. Do we do that here?
There should be a few sleep() there to make it more realistic
Not even a progress bar smh
progress bars: too fake for hollywood
They just don’t know how to code this properly. To look real, it should go quickly to 95%, stall there for some minutes, go back to 91.7% and then take ages to 99.9%
And then hang on 100% for hours before finaly crashing
deleted by creator
There should be 5000 lines of code implementing fancy graphics transitions and also various beeps and boops. Writing those took 99% of our “hacker’s” time.
import hack
apt install hollywood
deleted by creator
NASA: oh no, someone got into the mainframe!!
Rabbit? Flu shot? Someone talk to me!
But it doesn’t explain double keyboard hacking.
Totally pranking my dad with this when I go visit him today.
Oooooh. It’s IN the computer.