Definitely The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent! Pedro Pascal and Nic Cage had a blast and it transpired through the movie.
Definitely The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent! Pedro Pascal and Nic Cage had a blast and it transpired through the movie.
Fair enough ahah
How illegal is it to host and seed Anna’s Archive?
Considering the general apathy of Americans, it’s a pretty good sign to see.
Feels a bit like the iPhone, there were some smartphones back then, but the iPhone took it to the next level.
Damn progressives that ruled the country for the last 40 years !
I didn’t even start talking about that, but yeah, at least to me, form is paramount over weight/complexity. At least until you have a strong enough foundation. Then you can take some liberty to strengthen in unusual moves.
Mobility and range of motion are also something to work on, it makes many things easier to do in your daily life.
But that’s something for another long post I guess !
Being sore doesn’t mean that muscle is being built, that’s a misconception, it’s actually muscle being damaged.
Soreness is micro-lesions in your muscles, and what builds them stronger is actually the rest following a workout. Because that’s when the body goes around to repair these lesions and builds stronger bonds within the muscle.
What builds muscle is resistance, nutrition and rest, the latter two being the most important.
You can’t build muscle if you don’t feed them right and give them time to recover.
So, killing yourself at the gym 3/4 days in a row, focusing on the same muscle group is actually really counterproductive.
Rotate your training focus with a split like push/pull/legs/core, or upper body/lower body/cardio, or whatever, as long as you enjoy it.
Give yourself time, eat right (as right as you can, don’t fall into the rice/chicken at every meal madness, balance is key), sleep a lot, take some rest days and deload weeks once in a while, and drink plenty of water.
And most importantly, be kind with yourself, it’s a marathon, not a sprint, you might struggle going to the gym some days, but showing up and doing less is better than not doing it at all.
But they realised that all these massively expensive office buildings are mostly empty now.
Maybe a bit would be nice, but I don’t want it to grow as big as Reddit got.
The amount of hate Hidalgo received because of her efforts to reduce cars in Paris is absolutely bonkers…
The worst thing for me when I got diagnosed was the realisation of how much of me is just ADHD/ASD. I’m very high masking according to my doctor, and now I understand why I often feel completely drained of energy. It’s pretty mad…
If you feel like you have ADHD, getting diagnosed is absolutely worth it. Even though it will probably wreck your perception of yourself, everything will probably make sense in hindsight. It’s very strange yet liberating.
But dumbasses will eat that shit up
It’s interesting to have closed source for some use cases, (sensitive or top secrets programs for instance) but open source should definitely be the default rather than the exception in my opinion.
Well, that vastly depends on the license it’s under but yeah, that’s the gist of it !
It means that you only have access to the compiled binaries of the program (the files on your system) and not to the source code.
Which means that you cannot see why and how the program functions the way it does. You can try and reverse engineer it or decompile it, but it will be different from the original code.
As you stated, you can’t fork it either because you don’t have access to the original source control.
In France they talked about the week in four days, instead of a four days week. Bunch of wankers…
I personally don’t want to hear anything about coming in late when I usually am the last one to leave the office in the evening.
Definitely a dead man switch, and several letters from me and my psychiatrist specifying that I’m not suicidal.
As legal as promoting beans and pillows!