If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.
— Malcolm X
Learning to live with a disorder is an amazing step in the process. If depression was easy to eliminate, the world would be a much different place
Exactly, sales isn’t easy but customer retention makes the job easier. If a customer has a great experience, they tend to be repeat customers and even tell their friends. Word of mouth undoubtedly being the most effective marketing method makes non pushy sales the best approach for sure.
OK, so engineers provide their solution to a problem to end users for free? Engineers still need marketing and sales to further improve an invention as well as allow others to understand its use case.
True sales is just filling a need, sometimes the customer knows they need it but others are unaware of it. Good sales reps will not sell something unless it makes sense for everyone involved.
I got a sales job offer on the spot by first highlighting the limited use of a single pen and without extra’s on hand its negative business impacts. Then stated I had tons of pens available in my car and positioned selling them at least 100, but recommended they acquire 1000+ as this prevents potential issues plus gets them a better deal. Pretty solid approach in my experience.
This link is the research paper which was reviewed by sciencedaily, my title is a blend of both sciencedaily and the paper titles. The research paper’s title is super ambiguous and it seemed a blend of the two made more sense.
ScienceDaily Link: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/07/230706231347.htm
Lipids are one of the four macromolecules found in life. Moderation of lipids is the key part here. LDL (bad cholesterol) is needed for digestion, cell signaling, and immune cells require it for certain functions. It’s the goldilocks principle, too much or too little is an issue.
I had to look it up, but reducing milk by 2% fat increases the calcium ~6mg/cup. A little calcium goes a long way for human cell functions, so it’s a decent increase for sure.
I live solo and use Costco, just got to know what to buy there
I have the onyx boox note air 2, while not in color, the tablet is fantastic. I’m weighing out my options to see if and when it could make sense to upgrade to the color option as my current tab is that good!
They were labeled alphabetically based on when they were discovered. Also, Vitamin D’s label was a misnomer as it’s converted into a vital hormone needed for the body to properly function.
My N64 to remind myself how amazing Golden Eye, Perfect Dark, Mario Kart and Army Men: Sarges Heroes are, especially for when they were released. I also have a modded XBox which has 20+ games on it and some older films on it. Playing modded Halo is always a grand ol’ time and Fuzion Frenzy is a stroll down memory lane for me.
There’s some work going on currently to allow the previous Reddit third party apps to connect to Lemmy instead of Reddit. This should allow you to use Shine for Lemmy in the near future.
/c/science is great, I also enjoy /c/linux, /c/opensource, /c/green, /c/AI, /c/android or /c/apple, /c/privacyguides, /c/antiwork, /c/security and /c/music.
With the crazy number of trains that use that track daily plus the condition of rail lines in the US, it was only a matter of time. Hopefully it can be prevented before a derailment involves something hazardous.
Why switch platforms if all your data is still being collected? This just provides another business with your data to sell and possibly have hacked. Sure, Telegram offers encryption, but it’s not enabled by default even though they advertise it thoroughly. This demonstrates they’re taking advantage of peoples desire for privacy simply to increase their user base while making the users + contacts do all the work.
As far as file sharing, with ProtonDrive I can use any messaging service and send a 500GB file if I wanted, fully encrypted with password protection and an expiration date. Telegram keeping the files forever doesn’t seem like a benefit either.