• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 29th, 2023

  • I think we’re in agreement, I have no real qualms with AI itself. In fact, I view it just like any other tool that takes skill to use properly and get useful results from. I actually look forward to how more accessible things will be when AI is just a background tool and not an over-hype beyond it’s capabilities (a lot of content creators I watch end up using some form of AI).

    Your automation’s are being checked, you’re inputting the draft, basic research is started from AI and then expanded on. All completely acceptable uses as a tool. It saves you time, did it really save @TragicNotCute@lemmy.world time to open the AI interface, fill the prompt, then copy paste onto here? Instead of, not replying? It feels exactly like your example of someone doing a google search and then linking the search results, completely unhelpful without a relevant article selected and hopefully an excerpt or “quote” from the relevant information in the article.

  • Hating companies you perceive from a certain ethnic community is also racist. Are all “Indian” companies like this or are you making blanket statements against a race? Are all the companies exploiting workers founded from India, or again, are we singling out an ethnic group as antagonists while ignoring the governing body? Can someone be born in India, become a Canadian citizen, operate a company under Canadian law and on their soil, and it’s still the “Indians” fault?

    You’re right about the international student part, that would be Xenophobia added onto racism.

    1. A fear of strangers or foreigners. 2. A strong antipathy or aversion to strangers or foreigners.

  • Totally not trying to be rude or have an unhappy attitude, very neutral and woke up not long ago. The AI-only stuff just isn’t what people come to Lemmy for (social-media)? You’ve also confused some points that you’re not accepting.

    “with what I believed was the right answer.” There was no way for you to know besides just “having faith”. If you used the AI response to further investigate and add to the conversation by confirming certain aspects or maybe more information you found… well then you’re using the AI as a helpful tool.

    Right now, you’re just using AI trying to replace any actual human response with no effort or thought on your part. “But I have zero personal information regarding it.” That last statement is probably why 80% of the downvotes exist. Use it as a tool to educate yourself as a starting point and confirming it’s results (just like math, you check your work).

    Apparently you and @daddy32@lemmy.world have missed out on the past few years of hilarious AI responses, misinformation, and general crap those algorithms can spit out. There have been millions of videos and articles explaining the dangers of using AI especially as an informational tool (i.e. Lawyers, coding, education, etc). You’ve decided to completely gloss over it all with no introspection and to use it for your comments lazily. Again, use it as a tool to enhance your comment, not as a replacement for your interaction (you’re literally just a fancy bot at that point).

  • Any chance you could be anymore racist with your demands? “I blame the Indians” (while working in Canada). “Once the International people leave it will be fixed!” (still, working in Canada).

    How about highlighting a specific company who’s founded from India and treating employees bad in your neighboring Canadian community that has impacted you? Maybe some news articles or reports of the mishandling and abuse? Or we can just vaguely and anecdotally continue blaming “THEM” and anyone who’s International?!

    Remember, Anti-work doesn’t mean Anti-immigrant.

  • I’m assuming everyone was confusing my statement as some type of pro-trump comment or dismissal of the election results?

    I was literally talking about everything you just stated. Everyone is worried about what the Trump presidency is bringing when we are already there in terms of disparaging and effecting the population with our government’s actions. Everyone’s holding their breaths and speculating on what the next presidency will bring while completely ignoring all the crisis’s that are on-going currently.

    I’m also flabbergasted that everyone is afraid of what the trump presidency will bring while those same problems have happened for generations and like they don’t currently exist. I suppose people just want to be outraged and I’m not helping with pointing out he’s just making a horrible system become that much worse. These problems existed before Trump for most of the populace.

  • It’s so interesting to see the complete disconnection on here with everyone else’s life.

    his politics objectively suck and absolutely will bring harm to them and millions like them. (that is. women. Not to mention racial minorities, immigrants, anyone whose different from the white, cisgendered, conservative male arch type.)

    will, will bring harm. Not talking about past harm, not even mentioning current harm. Just FUTURE harm. All of the middle class people on here are just fucking hilarious with their world views. If you’re wondering why most of the population sits out of voting, well you’re never going to see it. Cue the average ivory tower response,

  • I want to be as gentle as possible and just kinda point some things out that I’m reading as a stranger. I don’t think anyone is blaming you or trying to shame you about the ass beatings. You’ve put up with a lot and not calling the cops kept it from escalating. It sounds like you’ve got solid boundaries in place now so hopefully you can look back on all of it a little more relaxed and from an outside perspective like I’m forced to have.

    You gotta understand, we’re all a little crazy dealing with life. Mental health ranges from having a stretch, to full on institutionalized psychiatric care. A person can sit down with a therapist for years and never open up to get a proper diagnosis. Behavior disorders can have no neurological symptoms, chemical imbalances can go for decades without being discovered. Sometimes the systems just aren’t able to provide the right support because there’s no flashing red sign to point too.

    He seems like a functional adult from what you’ve described. Probably have a lot of “ok” moments with him where it just makes you want to smack him upside the head when he starts doing the fuckery shit. There are so many other things to do in life besides shoving hamburgers in your pocket and giving your parents the worse algorithms after searching “help son stuck on bed post” online. I enjoy gaming and tinkering while also coming on here. I could be carving a special tree in my back woods for some play-time, but I never learned and/or didn’t have the wiring to enjoy sexual pain as a release and gratification (not kink shaming, just not built that way).

    We all have stupid shit we could be getting into, thoughts that come into our minds or dark paths we decide not to go down. It’s that impulse control that keeps you floating above water. You could argue that he “physically has the ability to use that control”, but regardless of the wiring, it’s not being used. His actions have a negative effect on the people around him and are harmful, even if it’s behavioral and a “daddy didn’t love me enough” kinda excuse, you will still need support and proper guidance to address the issues (sometimes shit’s just too tough for people to handle on their own, a lot of us suffer in silence and some don’t even want to know anything’s wrong).

    Support can have it’s limits. But at that point you seek other support mechanisms, we don’t really have a functional mental health system that can lead you to the next steps properly. I’m sure there was more recommendations to address his behavior but it probably became circular with no real progression.

    A lot of “Ryan’s” are in jail because they stole from the wrong person or didn’t have a community like you guys were to him. There’s a lot of Ryan’s running around everyday that you pass by but they keep their shit together for those fleeting moments to seem normal. idk what else to say really, I hope you don’t have any more run-ins with the guy. Just sounds like a horrible experience and that’s gotta be stressful as a family. I feel sympathy for him though, hopefully he finds what he needs for a more peaceful rest of his life where he’s able to make the decisions that benefit him and those he loves around him in the future.

  • Yeah, I couldn’t help reading this and feeling extremely sad for Ryan. If they’re in their 50’s-60’s, the parents had tried to get him diagnosed as a kid in what, the 70’s?!? I’m not sure what they’re expectations are for people with a mental disorder, but it sounds like they’re expecting a trope and someone halfway functional is completely fine.

    There is apparently a childhood full of sexual deviancy, which was never properly addressed and caused more anxiety and strain on his relationships his entire adult life. Dude’s stealing post-it notes and anything/everything regardless of value, that’s kleptomania 101

    Kleptomania (klep-toe-MAY-nee-uh) is a mental health disorder that involves repeatedly being unable to resist urges to steal items that you generally don’t really need. Often the items stolen have little value and you could afford to buy them. Kleptomania is rare but can be a serious condition. It can cause much emotional pain to you and your loved ones — and even legal problems — if not treated.

    Kleptomania is a type of impulse control disorder — a disorder that involves problems with emotional or behavioral self-control. If you have an impulse control disorder, you have difficulty resisting the temptation or powerful urge to perform an act that’s excessive or harmful to you or someone else. (link)

    He’s doing these things, but I think the expectation is that he should “just stop” or “get over it”. He’s so out of control he can’t even stop him self while in front of other people or performing dangerous sexual acts, this is a person who has been untreated and needed help for decades.

  • TIL- Muliebrity (Muliebrity means womanly nature or qualities, or the condition of being a woman. It comes from Latin muliēbris, derived from mulier, meaning woman)

    Feel about the same as your case. Every one has preferred pronouns, I like to point out to conservative relatives that “sir” and “ma’am” is just another form that they learned growing up for certain individuals. It’s just basic manners.

  • *If you have paid for newer gen and all of your iOS and Mac devices are compatible…

    FTFY, it’s a heavy caveat that makes 80% of their equipment dead unless you give it a second life with a different operating system. I’ve got perfectly decent devices that are bricks in their current original OS unless I get real technical with it. One I can double the ram capacity in it because for some reason apple throttled it’s size but the hardware is designed for more if you just tweak it.

    I wish apple was better about it and the device file transfers was just a staple thing that had since conception. Air transfer is a pain in the ass from past experience and works when it wants to, cloud syncing also works when it wants to even when telling it to update it now. I have a partner who uses apple almost exclusively, it’s so close to being something decent but I can never tell what’s actually going on with a device and there always seems to be some kind of weird hiccup in any process (like 25% of the time, still noticeable from being seamless though).

    (I have frustration from this, I apologize for my rant)