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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • Since criminals can be president now, I think Joe Exotic should be president. Make America exotic again!

    People don’t want to empower the workers and take away money and power from billionaires. Bernie Sanders already tried this but it’s not how America works and what Americans want.

    With the current system, every new party will take away votes from the party it’s closest to. This ensures more voting percentage for the opponents. So when you create a socialist party, most of the votes you will get will be from democrats who won’t vote for the democratic party, so it’s easier for the Republicans to win. You just helped the opposite side.

    Maybe when you create a party close to the Republicans you can steal their voters so the democrats have a higher chance of winning. Maybe do the same within the democrats to scatter their votes in a way so Bernie will get the majority.

  • Thank you for the explanation. Really interesting to know more about it.

    Although I live in a different country so over here it might be different.

    It’s interesting to know the capabilities of the 911 dispatch, however I believe this is different with intelligence agencies. When I see what Snowden leaked, the location data isn’t just from cell towers but also from the phone GPS itself, as well as wifi data. Those agencies often operate in a large grey area, or just outside the law. Loads of reasons to track someone without a court order. Look at the terrorist act which came after 9/11. Loads of bypasses when it comes to “terrorists”. Holding indefinitely without charge, denying legal advice or a phone call for example. Claim someone is a terrorist and you don’t need a judge anymore.

    When Trump wants agencies (like ICE for example) to have an easier job to track undocumented immigrants, he can change the law (especially with a majority in the supreme court and government). Look at Hitler. When he came to power he managed to change the law for so many things to do the most horrific acts. A law is only a law until it is changed.

    You can scream “you can’t do this, we have rights!” but those rights can be taken away in an instant (look at abortion for example, or slavery when incarcerated in certain states). You have rights until you don’t.

  • Partly true, there are other ways to legally track a phone. For instance, when you call 911 and are unable to tell where you are, they can track your phone. There are other loopholes to track without a court order. Especially in the US the so called “citizen rights” are very limited compared to other democracies. Not that the US is a functioning democracy in the first place (slavery, gerrymandering, etc.). The US government also bends the rules a lot (like torturing people abroad instead), or straight out breaks them (remember Snowden?)

    That doesn’t change the fact that it’s really hard to know which phone is from an undocumented immigrant, especially when there are millions of phones around. Even with AI it’s hard to mass spy on people to find out whether they are undocumented, as people rarely send an ondinary sms message saying “hey I’m an undocumented immigrant”. Most people use encrypted messaging apps like WhatsApp, making it even harder. And if someone uses their phone like anyone else does, they are invisible in the mass.

  • I do care about the life of my friends. I’m autistic too. I love to hear their stories. Although there are some which I do not care about. Like their kids. I don’t like them, I don’t want to see pictures, I couldn’t care less about whatever dumb, funny or smart thing they did. And I tell them. “Hey dude, nice you have a kid but it’s not for me.” same goes for football or formula 1. You can talk to me about it, but I’ll just be thinking about fun stuff and won’t hear a thing you said.

    I prefer to talk to people and hear their stories when it’s something I’m interested in. It generally helps to ask about those things, stimulating them to talk about something you actually like. But sometimes people just need to vent stuff and it’s good to listen, even though it doesn’t really interest you. But giving them a moment for it makes them feel good. But instead of acting like you like it so they will continue to talk about it, after giving them their moment for a bit, change the subject to something you like. At least that works for me. And now my friends know what I’m interested in, and likewise, so we know what we can talk about and do so neither of us gets bored.

    For instance, some like to squash. I don’t. Some also like to play boardgames, like me. They don’t ask me to join them for squash, but they do ask me to play a boardgame. Some of my friends talk about football but they know I hate it so they talk about world domination to me instead (/jk).

    If you have no common ground with someone, I don’t understand how you can be friends. Everything in the relationship you have with someone would be fake. But if there is common ground, you should focus on that and be honest about what that is for you. Friends become better friends when they know the real you and accept you for who you are. If not, they are bad friends.

  • Beer is for pussies. Nothing beats the after taste of pure blue spirits. /jk

    IPA stands for Indian Pale Ale. It was brewed with and excessive amount of hops, so the beer would survive the long trip to India without getting a bad taste (so the taste would turn good after the long trip in different climates). It turned out, some idiots (like me) like the weird taste of the pre-travel beer to India. Bitter sweet. Weissen was invented because a monk forgot a keg outside the monastery during winter which partially frozen, but tasted surprisingly good. Champagne was invented because a farmer wanted to speed up the process and tried the wine during the fermenting process instead of waiting and discovered it had bubbles.