Bad take. Been saying rn and tbh for years. Communicating isn’t a fad imo (see what I did there). By that logic, lol, lmao, etc are just fads too.
Bad take. Been saying rn and tbh for years. Communicating isn’t a fad imo (see what I did there). By that logic, lol, lmao, etc are just fads too.
Fuck I needed this. I am at the point where I am about to talk to a psychiatrist about this because I have such bad anxiety about whether I’m doing okay or not at work.
I guess my missed opportunity would be not backing up my pc when I bought one for $600 in 2013 and losing it to a hard drive wipe. Didn’t consider it’s existence when I did it because who cared at the time.
This is my first big career job and in my limited experience I think I support the idea of a second pair of eyes, with a hybrid on automated testing. It seems more comprehensive and thorough than having a single person work on a task (minus code reviews).
As a qa engineer this makes me feel better about myself. Because I’m included on reviews but never know what I’m looking at.
I really don’t think so, unless it’s part of someone’s explicit wishes/religion etc. It’s important tor respect what they want rather than assume. Otherwise I view dead bodies the same as poop. They need to be disposed of properly and all that. Also who’s to say a traditional burial is ethical? I’d feel claustrophobic.
Answer is always Boost
I love working from home. I game all day. But man I miss my service industry jobs for how much satisfaction they could give but the trade off is high levels of stress.
I code maybe 2 times a year at my job. Every other time I am doing some sort of paperwork to verify features work, or I am using fucking excel. It’s incredibly dull.
Boost. It was my go to on reddit for 6+ years. The developer is solo and has a fantastic user interface. Jerboa is clunky and slow. Wasn’t a fan.
I love the idea of this and then thinking of me at 5 I’d think it was funny and ignore it my whole life then find it at my exact age now only to hate my younger self
I’m the same way. I’ve found that I need another person to keep me accountible so taking lessons has help me. I started drums this year and it’s something I’ve always wanted to do and having a teacher give me things to practice and checking in keeps me going.
They were hoping to be bought up by a Saudi company but the deal fell through
Started playing the drums. Realized we are gonna buy a home next year and probably start a family which is nuts. Started playing eve online
This sounds like the take of an average Ben Shapiro viewer
How does it feel?
It’s gonna be OK. I think you’re having a manic episode. Everyone has these. Just try to take some breaths and give yourself some self talk. Say positive things to yourself.
Yeah these damn government orgs are just haters for suing them on legal grounds! /s
When you subtract 1 from 1,000,000, you wouldn’t be wrong in saying there is a reduction, but is it significant enough? Or is it just febreezing a giant pile of shit?
How did you get my work schedule