Hell no. I hope they never find them. Just let it stand. The one who got away.
Classic trolley problem.
I have no issue with asmashasinations. If it’s us or them, I choose us.
The Israeli School of hostage negotiation.
They have different lists for different things. Real unemployment is closer to 30% than 3.
This is gonna be the stupidest timeline yet.
Two braindead shitheads and a coke addict walk into a bar…
They are all bastards of the highest order.
All they really care about is strengthening the oligarchy. Cutting taxes. Deregulation. If it benefits big business, they’re for it. And that’s where the conflict will arise. The loud and proud fascists want shit like mass deportations. The Reaganites know that’s bad news for a lot of businesses. Construction, agriculture, etc.
One of the best games of the last decade. Top-5 easy.
I played it since launch. Originally on a Xbone, and my biggest complaint back then was minimap lag. You wouldn’t believe how many turns I missed.
But yeah, rough launch. Made a storybook comeback. Now it’s incredible. My biggest gripe now is that it doesn’t have NG+. I went on Pavel’s streams and begged for NG+ for 2 years. All I wanted was Levels. Not SC, not money, not 'ware, not unique weapons. I just wanted to start the game at max level. They heard NG+ and thought we wanted the NG+ from Witcher 3. Which I actually hated. Cuz all the enemies get a buff and all your specced out end game gear is outclassed by garbage you pick up on the side of the road by the time you leave White Orchard. But that’s not what we or at least I wanted.
Yes. It is too late. This was the inevitable outcome. Sooner or later.
Dems here are like UK Labor. They’re a right wing party who occasionally cosplays as a left leaning one when they need to. They stand as the bullwark against any form of left wing populism. And they’ve done their job to the letter.
Our economy is almost entirely debt driven financialization and gambling. There is another subprime mortgage crisis brewing. Exactly the same as the one in '08, except way bigger. And our economy is far more precarious than it was then.
He could. Totally legal thanks to the SCROTUS. But Dems are cowards by nature. They never would. Which is why this outcome was inevitable. If not now, later. We might actually end up being lucky it was Trump and not someone truly competent, but I doubt it.
Breathtakingly fucked. Wannabe dictator with a mandate from the dumbest mfers alive.
But take heart. The battle for the US is now a fight between the old guard Reaganite Republicans and the out&out Fascists. For the next 4 years at least the Dems are a complete non-factor. I hope the DNC is proud of their accomplishment.
All the worst possible things that could happen are now not just on the table but incredibly likely.
If not attempt to destroy it outright in an attempt to extort it.
Rename it NUTO. No US Treaty Org.
It isn’t credible now. It likely won’t exist at all in 4 years. Unless it cedes even more decision making authority to the US and becomes even more of a puppet.
How you gonna make this and leave out the absolute GOAT?
Cuz like every major religion they’re hemorrhaging believers and thus, money. Time to shake up the recruitment protocols.
They would if they could.
Just been a parade of Reagans ever since Reagan. CIA Reagan, Band kid Reagan, Warmonger Reagan, Black Reagan, Orange Reagan, Sleepy Reagan, and soon we’ll probably have Girl Power Reagan.
Such is the st8 of American Politics. This is the bad place. Nothing ever gets better here. This whole country is 12 megacorps in a trenchcoat lording over one massive slave pen.
Because I need a vehicle. And I want one.