Thank you, I appreciate it. I hope you have a great holiday
Thank you, I appreciate it. I hope you have a great holiday
Meh. First Christmas since my full chronic pain has hit and knowing it’s not going away and the issues that arise with it. On the upside, I met with a new pain management doctor today and he actually cared for me. He is switching me from hydrocodone to oxycodone and told me that he is willing to up my dose a lot in the next few months because he doesn’t want to see a 26 year old be stuck in his apartment for another year due to pain. So that was a light in a very dark tunnel. As happy as I can be at the moment but my happiness is limited. One of those I’ll believe he will help me as much as he says when I see it the next few months. But, the switch is very hopeful in itself. Hopefully next Christmas I’ll be able to go on walks longer than one mile without having to deal with the miserable consequences under his pain regimen.
Yeah. There’s an option with blue bubbles on the Mac that keeps it awake. I just always keep the lid open
I own a Mac and a pixel 8. I use blue bubbles. It works great. Don’t have any issues with it. When you send messages through it, it goes through your email associated with your iCloud account
I rewatched annihilation yesterday. Still love that movie
I need a Croatia in my life
I’m 25 in the US and I can
Yet a ton of people started to drink alone during isolation and all of a sudden had an addiction after never having one before. I don’t think addiction is as black and white as you make it seem. Addiction is incredibly complex, which studies can back up, and that’s entirely what the “don’t drink alone” is about. If you drink only with others but you only are with friends once every other week then you are probably much less likely to form a problem than If you decide to drink by yourself. There would be a lot more opportunities to drink by yourself than if you only drink socially with others. Just because you aren’t a victim to it doesn’t make the saying BS.
I understand your point, I just don’t think it’s as simple as you’re making it. Drinking alone just carries more risk, that’s all.
Speaking of which though, what’s your favorite craft beer?
I think you’re looking at the “don’t drink alone” the wrong way. I think it means that if you drink alone it’s much more likely to become a habit and in turn become a problem than if you just drink with others
Throw inflation in there also
I knew someone was gonna get butthurt over not wearing a shirt lol who cares
Thanks🙂 I’ll add this
We need to know the Poop:Day ratio
It depends if you’re not trying to poop that whole time?
Hello! I was wondering if you’d all be willing to partner with /c/ChronicPain?
I see you are partnered with Mental Health as am I on ChronicPain. I believe that pain, especially when it’s chronic goes hand in hand with mental health and it’s something that is unfortunately near and dear to me. I want to make sure that anyone who is experiencing chronic pain knows they have a support group where they are allowed to post, comment, or lurk. My most recent post on it from today is about issues I’m currently dealing with that is directly caused from my chronic pain and awaiting diagnoses. I know there’s so many out there who could benefit from knowing this exists. There is not one single part of having a chronic illness and pain that is simple
Sorry for the essay, just wanted to get across how important I think this community is
I live in Colorado in the US and we have legal weed here. I use CBD, CBG, and THC and it helps but I’m no good when I’m baked during the day. I use it ay night. That’s amazing you are still here and beat the odds, keep that going!
I can only imagine how that woman felt going through that. Luckily I went through school for software engineering and I got a remote job. If I wasn’t able to work from home I wouldn’t be able to work. So little can make my pain so bad it’s debilitating.
I’m very glad you’re feeling better than ever, that’s amazing to hear. I hope one day I’m able to say that. Do you get side effects from prednisone? Every medical person has told me that going on it long term has many side effects but sometimes you just have to do it. I really hope the immunoglobulin will be a correct fit for me.
Right now I’m on 100mg Lyrica 3 times daily, celecoxib 200mg, 12 mg tizanidine, have Cyclobenzaprine also, and then 20mg hydro daily. I just started the hydro a week ago. I also take 100mg tramadol xr. I was on 100mg tram xr and 200mg ir throughout the day and it did nothing. The hydro already does so much more but it’s still not enough.
Having this chronic pain has really made me see life from a different perspective. I moved from Seattle washing where I grew up to denver Colorado just last July because I love hiking, snowboarding, and biking. But just soon after I moved it started and slowly progressed and then in January is when it got bad so now I can’t even do the things I moved here for. It really sucks. At least I’m happier here in general.
I’m sorry it took 3 years for you to get diagnosed. I really hope something can be figured out in the next year. It just sucks so bad not being able to be on the medication like prednisone that really helps me because it can affect results of tests. I don’t even know if I care about a diagnoses at this point. I just want to either be on correct pain medication or something that allows me to do stuff
Nope. Completely different symptoms than that
Thanks I appreciate it. I got a blood test done and it didn’t show any muscle inflammation so now I just set up a spinal tap for next Tuesday. He thinks it’s some polyneuropathy thing but he says I’m the weirdest case he’s ever experienced. Told me my reflexes were different from when I saw him a month ago. It just all makes no sense. My emg on my legs shows my tibial nerve on both legs were messed up and then all my muscles were firing wrong. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ On painkillers (hydro), Lyrica, and muscle relaxers and yet I’m still in pain. Have some control issues with my legs and just a lot of stuff. I’m sorry you’re going through all this. You can also reach out to me, it is quite a lonely journey especially when you’re 25 and no one can relate or understand
Glad you got diagnosed! My neurologist has already told me the expect a non curable situation sadly so I’ve accepted that
Due to the way I reacted to prednisone months back he talked to me today about potential lifelong immunoglobulin IVs that should help me a lot instead of destroying my immune system with steroids
Yup. I use THC, CBD, and CBG everyday. Trust me, I don’t want any of this. But I wouldn’t be able to hold a job and be bed ridden without them and as per my neurologist and rheumatologist there isn’t any sign that my pain will change for years to come. It’s also different when you take them for chronic pain than recreationally. I don’t get high off them, I just get pain relief. It’s hard to get a high when you’re in constant debilitating pain