That’s rebel propaganda. The Stormtroopers had no trouble boarding Tantive IV and people seem to selectively ignore the scenes proving that the rebels were permitted to escape the Death Star so they could be tracked to their secret base.
That’s rebel propaganda. The Stormtroopers had no trouble boarding Tantive IV and people seem to selectively ignore the scenes proving that the rebels were permitted to escape the Death Star so they could be tracked to their secret base.
That is a 4D chess move.
The extra hours weren’t much of an issue given American industrial capacity. So I’d say the Sherman was better in most areas, especially in terms of build quality, ergonomics and escape hatches for the crew.
You know it’s fucked up when even the Nazis told Japan that the Rape of Nanking was too extreme. They also told the Croatian Ustasha to dial it down a bit.
Zhukov and Khrushchev also agreed that Lend Lease was crucial, along with many more members of Stalin’s inner circle.
(which were better anyways tbh)
Why do you consider Soviet tanks to be better than their American counterparts?
Always remember that flying M113s are an affront to the Machine God.
Putin’s War to Expand NATO is going great, I’d say.
If it happened in any other country, it would have been called a coup or insurrection by the media, for sure.
Won’t someone please think of the quarterly projections!? Praise the shareholders! Blessed be their portfolios! Glory to the corporation!
Lycos Mail was the very first example of email I ever saw. It blew my mind when I was a small kid.
Damn! This talk of forgotten search engines made me realise that dogpile.com is still alive! I dimly recall using it before Google’s rise to power.
Garak really wants to share his isolinear datarod with him.
This is why I’ve shied away from new AAA titles in general. I keep going back to the older stuff because in the words of Godd Howard “It just works.” or smaller indie titles where a beta state is forgivable, yet still less of a mess than Cyberpunk on launch day.
Arsenal of freedom and democracy intensifies
Is this America’s way of saying ‘We’re not using the fear of a vague and unspecified ‘escalation’ to hold back on ATACAMS any more?’
DS9: The Visitor
“Computer, remove onions.”
“Beep-beep There are no onions in your room.”
Berlin, when the wall fell.
It balances against the harsh darkness of the main storyline, and in a 26 episode series you can’t just bash out war after war after war episode - everyone needs a break.
The almost entirely relentless grimness of Picard season 1 is exactly why I detested it. Except Riker’s pizza episode, the rest was just characters acting unconvincingly traumatised and chugging alcohol.
Rest in pieces.