A few things to comment on.
| I didn’t get an iPhone until 2021 or so and all of my android phones before then ran slow in a year or so.
Like your computer, smartphones slow down when you have a lot of things running/idling in the background. They also slow down with bloatware. Cleaning your phone’s memory every so often is a smart practice to incorporate into your ownership of the device. CCleaner is the one I download every so often to do a scan and clean what I can. There’s bound to be a better app option, but that’s the one I know about and have used before.
And just so we’re on the same page, I bought a refurbished Pixel 2 back in early 2020 and it’s been running fine for me. Haven’t noticed any issues with operations except for the screen and the battery not holding its charge as long as it once did. But to be fair, my screen has a few hairpin cracks in it from dropping it on accident a couple of times. And the battery hold on any smartphone degrades with age and usage.
| That never happened with my iPhones.
You’re either super lucky or you’re the kind of person that gets a new smartphone every year or so; for some reason or another.
As I mentioned above, smartphones naturally and unnaturally get slower as they age. But let’s not forget that planned obsolescence is very much being used across the board.
Yeah, I don’t struggle with boycotting Amazon. The only times I’ve really used Amazon in the past have been for PC parts, audio headphones, and a random thing or two. I do my absolute best not to buy needless things as it is, and I know that there are plenty of other websites to use if I really need to get something online. (I knew this was gonna come in handy one day ha.) Here’s a website called amazonalts.org. It’s curated websites/online stores for the ethical consumer in mind. The categories are Food, Home, Clothes, Beauty, Books, Electronics, and Miscellaneous.