I think this is it.
The historians I know of actually seem to lean quite left of the average person; it’s the light hobbieists, who are often more interested in the aesthetics/surface stuff, who seem to fall victim to the alt-right stuff.
I think this is it.
The historians I know of actually seem to lean quite left of the average person; it’s the light hobbieists, who are often more interested in the aesthetics/surface stuff, who seem to fall victim to the alt-right stuff.
Perhaps not very patient gamer, but I think I’ll give Another Crab’s Treasure a go.
It’s very hard for me to feel motivated to play new games nowadays, but that one did spike my interest - seems more fun than Elden Ring tbh, which kinda feels like a generic souls-like - and it’s got great reviews and isn’t too expensive, so I think I’ll try it out.
I know what you mean, I felt the same way when I first saw it, and even when I started playing. But the concept intrigued me, so I kept going, and after a while I got used to the art style. If the concept of the game appeals to you, I’d still recommend you give it a try.
Looks at the entirety of modern history and lmmfao… 🤣
I mean, yeah, exactly, look at modern history… People keep complaining about politicians doing nothing, and everywhere you go people complain about how politicians do nothing, and yet those same politicians keep winning elections.
It’s literally a meme in my country that every one complains about how corrupt, nepotist, mismanaged, and just bad the leading party is, but how they keep winning anyway. The excuse is usually “the other parties are all too extremist”, even when one of those parties are basically the same as the leading party except: so far they have no instances of corruption; they have a very big focus on environmentalism, which is their main platform. And also, guess what? They’re the smallest party in parliament, with just 1 member. The second smallest, but with also 1 member, is a more centrist but also mostly environmentally driven party.
For reference, there are 8 parties in parliament right now (before the last elections there were 9), and since we’ve been a democracy only 2 of those have ever won elections. We’ve had 16 elections, and 2 parties are 10 to 6. The one with 10 is currently in power after winning with over 50% of votes. And everywhere people keep complaining about them, and you hear scandals and see ministers resigning every other week, and our forests burn every summer, and living costs keep rising, cities are getting too expensive for our citizens, and so on. And so the meme lives on.
This isn’t some invisible force casting those votes, it’s the people. It’s the people who cast all those votes, and it’s also the people who, by the way, made the far right party the third-biggest party in parliament in the last elections.
So yes, please do look at modern history, and understand that for the most part people are getting what they voted for. If you want politicians to act different, vote for different politicians, which is what the other user is saying.
Voting is snake oil, but it’s snake oil because the majority of people stop it from actually working.
Liberals believe in the invisible hand that will redistribute wealth and regulate the economy; people like you believe in an invisible hand that is responsible for all of the world’s problems, when the reality is that people hold most of the power, but the majority are either complacent, or actively working to keep things the way they are.
Final Fantasy 6. There are technically several protagonists, but the one with the better claim to “main protagonist” is a woman.
Also, Heaven’s Vault isn’t an old game, but it’s not very well known or talked about, so I’ll throw it in anyway.
Haha, well, to each their own, but the way I see it:
The second has a skill system that I like more than the first one, and it starts to have more of a semblance of a story. The NPCs in the first one basically just exist to tell you to go to place A, then B, and so on. To be honest, I couldn’t even finish the first one.
Like others have said, there’s no reason to play in order, but to be more specific:
If you ask someone what their favourite FF is, 90% of people will answer something between 6 and 10, so you should probably start with one in that range.
1 is probably not worth playing at all, it hardly even has a story and is very simple.
2 is better, but I would say 3 is where it really starts to get good.
4 and 5 are also very liked and popular.
12 doesn’t have the best story, but it’s good and it has a lot of people’s favourite combat system.
13 isn’t bad, but a lot of people didn’t enjoy it. I hardly hear people talk about it nowadays, but maybe that’s just me.
15 is probably more liked than 13 but it also gets a lot of criticism. It’s quite modern, though, so it’s probably one of the easiest to get into for most people.
11 and 14 are MMOs. If you like MMOs, you should probably choose 14 because 11 is quite old and doesn’t have a lot of players.
EDIT: Forgot to mention 16 because it just came out, but from what I hear a lot of people like it, so it may be a good entry point, although it’s console exclusive.
Ancient Athens is often considered the birthplace of democracy, and it’s where we get the word from in English. In Ancient Athens, and if my memory serves correct, only those who owned land were allowed to vote, and only male citizens were allowed to own land. The definition of “democracy” is quite more elastic than people tend to think.
Don’t really know where I’m going with this, I think I’m just being a pedant.