deleted by creator
you’re probably an idiot. I know I am.
deleted by creator
Let’s be real, this should extend even beyond piracy.
History is full of examples of companies buying patents for good innovations and intentionally burying them because they compete with or are too similar to the company’s offerings.
Think about that - literal pieces of human innovation, steps in the ever-evolving game of technological development… just buried for no reason other than because some company thought they’d make more money without it and had the capital to force the situation.
It’s gross.
We as a people should absolutely reject the idea that which has been brought into our world through the creativity of humanity should be able to erased by the greed of monsters.
Free knowledge, free humanity.
I hear and understand your point, and I can’t say that I disagree with it.
That being said, I sure as hell wouldn’t convict the guy.
Who knows. Apparently half my country is full of legitimately hateful people who just want to watch the people they don’t like suffer.
How the fuck do we come back from that? Honestly, are we even worth redeeming?
For me, this is it. This is when America died. If you’re still “proud” to be an American after this, you’re brain-damaged.
A lot of great choices already: Persona 5, Hades, Katamari Damacy.
A kind of odd left-field one I’d like to add specifically for great music in-game, is Guacamelee 2. I don’t know that it’s the kind of music I’m likely to put on just to listen to randomly, but as far as in-game atmospheric music goes I think it’s both tremendous and refreshingly unique amongst the landscape of video game music.
40,000 monthly active users is probably a more useful number here.
I fully agree. Again, I did not think that the random figure, which I tried to appropriately caveat, was the salient part of my comment.
I appreciate the clarity, thank you. As I said, I pulled a random googled number and wasn’t trying to use it as the sticking point of my commentary. But also for what it’s worth, it’s not exactly a fair comparison to the larger giants either as lemmy’s smaller scale means it is also less trafficked by bots, fake accounts, secondary novelty accounts, etc. Depending on what source you’re looking at, twitter is claimed to be anywhere between 15-75% bot or fake accounts. In general my point was there are still a large number of people using lemmy on most scales, we are just choosing to view it on the scale of established corporate social media metrics.
I think we’re going to need to start by defining what “popular” means.
According to, there are 462,745 total Lemmy users. (Note: I know nothing about this site or their metrics; I literally just Googled “Lemmy users.”)
If 462,745 people showed up to my birthday party, I would feel like the most popular person on the planet.
So, I think we need to consider a less abstract figure to answer this. Will Lemmy ever be as popular as a place like Reddit? I think that’s extremely unlikely, at least not anytime soon. But will Lemmy ever be popular enough to sustain an engaged community? I dunno; I kind of think we’re already there.
Maybe this is the old head in me, but I remember the decentralized days of the early internet, where communities weren’t oceans of people on social media giants, but rather smaller, close-knit forums and message boards. If you spent a few months interacting, you would likely get to know and have specific opinions about individual users that you would regularly engage with, unlike the sort of hit-and-run buzz style of the modern social internet. I think right now, Lemmy is almost treading a special sweet spot between the two eras, and I’m pretty happy with it.
Although I will concede that I’m as addicted to social media as everyone else is these days, and I would certainly welcome the increase in on-the-minute activity that additional users would bring.
I love this so fucking much. Eccentric people are the best.
Also somebody please invite this old dude to play D&D
Ah yes, “my opinion is infallible and I’m righteous for screaming it from the rooftops, but your opposing opinion is ignorant and worthy of dismissal!”
Red flag indeed, friend.
This is the good take. Star Trek peaked at DS9 and there’s yet to be a good reason to continue past it.
I agree entirely and will add that hell, I even miss the satisfying sound of the CD drive opening and closing slowly with its mechanical whirr
Additionally, the puzzles were often trivialized because of the crafting system being too overpowered
If they offered you puzzles and you ignored those puzzles via the crafting system, that sounds like a choice not to engage with the puzzles you claim to want.
I answered this in another thread, so I’m just gonna copy and paste my answer here. Sorry if the context comes off slightly odd, like I said it was originally elsewhere:
I’ve thought about the topic and I think I can answer why there has been a rise in step-porn.
I think it’s pretty simple: people are more isolated, and people now socialize online.
We’re simply seeing less of each other than we ever have (especially during the pandemic, but this isn’t specific just to that timeline). Whereas we used to go out and socialize and develop crushes in the real world, for a lot of people, especially a lot of young men, these days the vast majority, if not all, of the non-online social interactions they’re having with the opposite sex are within their own homes. And while our brains may be adapting to this new internet landscape well enough, I think our bodies are still lagging behind. When you’re an 18 year with raging hormones, the sexual drive extends beyond the reasonable brain. And so it attaches to what your libido recognizes as the other sexually viable candidates regularly in your sphere of influence: the women inside your own home. And thus they develop crushes on their mothers, their siblings, their stepsiblings, and are turned on by pornography that lets them indulge in this taboo but still very real crush.
And to be clear, I am attempting to explain the phenomenon, I am not attempting to excuse or justify it. Incest is gross and faux/step-incest may be biologically better but is still pretty socially/culturally fucked.
I’m just glad I grew up in the 90s before our lives had moved so heavily online.
A- I like your wit.
B- I really appreciate this comment because it taught me that if somebody edits their comment Lemmy will also retroactively change the comment notification to the edited text as well (when I saw it originally it was before your edit so the message said “I am an internet person” but now shows your Zuck joke)
Are you a person or a bot?
Has your boss ever said something to you to the effect of “Hey I know you already clocked out but you forgot to do ___; can you knock that out for me real fast before you go home?”
If so, you’ve been the victim of wage theft. Wage theft isn’t not making the whole sum of the value you bring in to the company, it’s not getting any portion of the sum for which you are legally and ethically entitled to.
Remember folks, Reddit invented levity. Before Reddit “sarcasm” was just a Tuscan pasta dish.