Abrams turrets are steeper and slope down towards the hull more. And the turret is overall thicker too, I think. Those are definitely Russian tanks, but my expertise on identifying Russian models is sadly lacking
Abrams turrets are steeper and slope down towards the hull more. And the turret is overall thicker too, I think. Those are definitely Russian tanks, but my expertise on identifying Russian models is sadly lacking
It’s been unlikely to ever deploy again since the floating drydock it was in caught fire and almost sank the damn boat
Now, now, they didn’t prove it’s a scam. They just proved it would be cheaper and potentially safer to take out an illegal, maybe mafia backed payday loan to outright buy the equivalent computer. And you’d own the machine at the end of the day
If it was meant in a “lay off me” or “get off my back” way, I think “stop busting my balls” would be an accurate translation
Could that be translated more colloquially to “stop busting my balls”?
A screw, bolt, nut, etc. that could feasibly have come from the car itself
Was at a brewery last night where the “bathroom” was a row of sinks, and then a row of doors labeled “sit” or “stand”. The commode cubicles were full length walls and doors, totally private, and this just makes so much more sense to me
Baseball cap at a baseball game over the weekend, or a hard hat at work last night, depending if you count that as a hat
This is about bugging people to work when they are off the clock.
And that’s exactly what Kevin is advocating for. He wants the benefits of an on-call team without having to pay for an on-call team.
If you are in an industry where an emergency at 2 am cannot wait until 0900 (or whenever shift starts in the morning), fucking pay a swing shift to be there. Or fairly compensate your employees for calls off the clock. Either way, stop expecting free labor from your employees. And if your business can’t afford to exist without fairly compensating those who work for it, then your business should not exist.
True, however I have to assume that fuel tanks tend to be lower on the locomotives (and therefore nearer the tracks), so as long as the explosive is high enough energy to set off the fuel, it’ll do a lot of the work for you. As will momentum, because all the explosive has to do is damage the tracks and jostle the engine, and the length of cars behind will keep on moving, go of the rails, and slam into the fireball.
Or detonate the payload beneath a train to destroy both the train AND the track
DOW II is perfect for co-op with a friend. You have much less to keep track of, and it’s a good time playing through it!
DoD work (both civilian and active duty) tends to bind people together a lot more than other industries, in no small part due to the factors you mentioned, but also because a) the additional barriers of national security/clearance work make it only really possible to vent about work to coworkers/friends from work, b) the work can often be unique enough that only coworkers have shared experiences to bond over and empathize with, and c) the civilian side of the DoD tends to attract career folks a lot more than it does transitory people. I think a disproportionate amount (when compared to private industry) of civilians who hire into the DoD stay in federal service for their whole careers. And people sticking around their whole careers tend to invest more in personal and professional relationships in the workplace, because networking is how you get opportunities, and you never know who you might owe a favor some day (or who might owe you one).
I have not had first hand experience, but I would recommend you find out if the degree program you’re interested in from them is accredited or not. The school I went to for undergrad has ABET accreditation for the Mechanical Engineering program (and the applicable accreditations for all other degrees). A lot of employers do require your program be accredited, and whether or not TECH has the applicable accreditations will tell you a) whether it would be a good move for you career-wise and b) whether you can expect the appropriate amount of rigor from the program (i.e. The program may be a degree-mill rather than an actual learning opportunity).
I think the meaning is that the Lemmy.ml fascists aren’t actually communist.
I feel like that comes down to misconceptions over X-ray vs. MRI. Because you absolutely CANNOT have any metal on you for an MRI.
Replace the T with Texas Instruments and I’m in
They fill the bung holes
There are a lot of things about the steam deck I respect, including that the only difference in price points is down to available storage, not performance. It really makes the device so much more accessible