Newpipe can also be used as a full-on replacement to the YouTube app or YouTube in a browser. It allows for background music, or video and audio downloads for offline enjoyment.
The apk has to be sideloaded, of course.
Newpipe can also be used as a full-on replacement to the YouTube app or YouTube in a browser. It allows for background music, or video and audio downloads for offline enjoyment.
The apk has to be sideloaded, of course.
I tend to use food names, like tomato
and sausage
. But no potato
, and definitely no apple
I also utilize the special-use domain home.arpa for all my LAN systems, so accidental collisions are largely impossible.
No. Exclusives suck for everyone in the long run. In this case, it would also be pretty heavily set against the Linux / FOSS ethos, too.
This. There is no practical reason to separate privacy and security in this way.
If bad actors can access your data without your consent, it doesn’t matter if you call it a breach of privacy or security. It’s still a breach. At best, playing semantics like this allows a corp to claim a system filled with backdoors is “secure”. Utter marketing nonsense.
Maybe it has to be vim in emacs on an emac
I suspect the world would collapse into some kind of singularity if someone ever ran vim on an emac.
I guess what I should have said is: the art style, the design, everything about this looks like the Disney version of Star Wars. It doesn’t resemble Star Trek in the classical sense.
This could say Star Wars on it and look no different.
Curious if the 1:3162 figure for bicycle deaths is significantly higher in the US than other nations. I guess that depends on whether or not people who die on bikes tend to be hit by cars.
Really liked him in Hell on Wheels. Surprisingly believable as Thomas Durant.
This is a good, nutshell explanation of late-stage capitalism.
As far as the answer to “what’s the endgame”, I do not know. I suspect that many or most of these rich folks are so moneyblind that they don’t know either. Or, they simply don’t believe that their collective actions will eventually cause the system to fail.
But most likely, I think, is that they believe someone else will bear the majority of any negative impact. Of course this makes less sense in the face of a systematic collapse, but again: it’s probably very difficult to see when you have dollar signs in your eyes.
Such a Brian Thomson thing to do
If they make a Connie Refit, I will have no choice.
I hope they don’t.
I think the issue is a bit more nuanced. Graphics have gotten so good that it is relatively easy to get character animations which sit in the uncanny valley.
The uncanny valley is bad. You can have beautiful, photorealistic graphics everywhere, but if your characters are in the uncanny valley, the overall aesthetic is more similar to a game which didn’t have the photorealism at all.
In the past, the goalpost was at a different spot, so putting all the resources towards realism still wouldn’t get you into the valley, and everyone just thought it looked great.
Good news for the “won’t be any wars under Trump” folks
Same reason everything in the US is expensive: we have largely unregulated, runaway capitalism which pervades every facet of life. Everything from housing to academia to health care is for profit – not only profit, but for obscene year-over-year increases in profit. Those at the top regularly make money hand over fist even selling basic necessities, and if they don’t continue taking more and more, they’re seen as failures and replaced by one who will.
The cherry on top is that, for the most parts, the citizens no longer have any real power to change any of it.
Around the same time that health care becomes affordable in the US (major hypothetical, of course), it probably means a wind change has occurred such that university costs would also be coming down. But it would be a systematic change.
I guess they should enjoy the consequences of their actions like… regular people do?
Or maybe these bosses just aren’t good at what they do. After all, they wasted millions on real estate and empty desks. Shouldn’t the shareholders be demanding new leadership?
Titanic is better if you interpret it differently:
Jack never existed. He was a coping mechanism for Rose to get away from crippling depression and self harm.
The whole movie can be interpreted that way, and it makes it much more interesting. There is no direct evidence for Jack’s existence, and everything we hear about him interacting with others is from interviews with Old Rose.
In fact, some parts of the film make more sense when watching this way. Rose’s near-miraculous ax hit to free Jack from handcuffs? Never happened. Not getting caught in cargo storage despite having a very involved tail who apparently just gave up? Never happened – or at least, the part where Jack and Rose have sex in the car never happened.
There is a nude drawing of Rose which she says was done by Jack; however, it is actually signed “JD”, so technically could have been any commissioned artist with those initials. In fact, Cal could even have set it up himself – again, you only ever get Old Rose’s version of events. Though we see Rose given the Heart of the Ocean diamond while on board Titanic (and she is wearing it in the drawing), there is once again no reason that must be the case, and since the drawing isn’t dated, it could even predate her voyage. The letter she claimed she wrote to Cal about said drawing is not found with it, despite the two documents apparently being stored together.
And, note that a “Jackdaw” is a type of bird with various connections in lore – one of which being that Jackdaws appear as a precursor to death or an omen of death. Rose claims she met Jack Dawson when he saved her from a suicide attempt.